Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thank You, Lord, for Christine Weick, who stood up and denounced the Muslim prayer meeting in the National Cathedral, please send us a lot more like her

Congress actually welcomed an imam as "guest chaplain" today, (well, yesterday by the time I got this written) and then he went over to the National Cathedral to conduct a Muslim prayer service.   Members of our American Congress actually bowed their heads in this prayer to a demon god. How long can God's judgment wait when we do things like this?

Here's video of the travesty in Congress if you can stomach it.

I believe we've come to this point because of the years and years of "ecumenical" prayer for the nation that naïve Christians have been pursuing, apparently without noticing that the only results they're getting are anything but God's blessings.  To have Muslim services in the heart of our nation ought to be a wakeup call that we're doing something wrong.

But there was good news:  a woman stood up in the National Cathedral and denounced the Muslim gathering in the name of Christ. 

Donna Wasson at Rapture Ready tells it like it is, first about the imam in Congress, and then about the event in the cathedral:
Let me give a shout out to our national heroine of the week, Christine Weick. She’s a 50-year-old woman who felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to drive from Tennessee to Washington, gain entrance to the Cathedral, and stand up and make a public statement condemning the apostasy she was witnessing.

Just as the imam was approaching the podium, she boldly stood up, pointed to the cross and shouted “Jesus died on that cross. It is the reason we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We have built enough of your mosques in this country. Why don’t you worship in your mosques and leave our churches alone?”

The authorities couldn’t escort her out fast enough! She was shocked she wasn’t arrested. Please pray for this warrior of God; she is newly divorced and estranged from her two children because she refuses to accept homosexuality and same-sex weddings. She has literally lost her family for Christ’s sake. I look forward to witnessing her receive her reward at the Bema Seat!
A secular source reports it this way: Washington Cathedral’s first Muslim prayer service interrupted by heckler, of course reducing this brave woman to a mere "heckler."   

Lots of sweet talk there about uniting against hate and violence, by the very people who are responsible for all the hate and violence and are going to go on with the hate and violence, now against America, as soon as they are in a position to do it. What's the matter with our "Christians" that they don't know such a service is as good as invoking Baal and inviting God's wrath against the nation?

There's more information about Weick here: Satanic Monster Energy Drink Lady Goes Ballistic in Muslim Prayer Service, again denigrating her character, which also has a You Tube video of her interruption of the Muslim service. 

Turns out she is known for various bold statements of her Christian faith, including protesting at gay events and protesting a drink called Monster Energy Drink. There is a video of that demonstration here. She points out various satanic symbols on the can as well as obscene language.  Such expressions of sheer evil on a drink can are depressing, but I guess I don't have the guts she has.  I applaud her boldness. 

Donna Wasson at Rapture Ready goes on:
A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Yes, you’d better believe I’m fearful of an ideology which seeks to eradicate in the bloodiest ways possible, every vestige of Christianity off the face of this earth. And no, that fear is anything but irrational. Duh! If you’re NOT islamophobic, you obviously hold little regard for your freedoms and the lives of your family.

Have you figured out yet that the overwhelming majority of our government officials are assisting the Occupant in committing national suicide, or are you still in la-la land over the election theatre? In January, the incoming newbies, faces shining with hope and purpose, will be sworn in. And within 6 months or so, they will have sold their soul to the Globalist luciferian elite and will toe the line of their new masters. It always happens. After all, membership has its privileges.
I had a moment of hoping against hope that something good could come of it and I'm still not completely ready to give it up, or give up hope for revival either.  Not so much because I believe it could happen any more but because it makes me too heartsick to think it can't. 
Get ready: real Christians—those of us who proudly proclaim the name of Jesus and the authority of His Word, will see more and more persecution in this country. The pseudo-churchgoing-we-all-worship-the-same-god ‘Christians’ will continue to malign and marginalize us in the workplace, marketplace, schools and even within the church itself.

We can expect more lawsuits from the atheists and homo mafia when we don’t capitulate to their du jour version of morality. We can expect to lose our jobs. We can expect to have our kids expelled from school when we speak out against the filth and nonsensical common core garbage they’re being taught. We can expect to be harassed by governmental agencies of all types.
I've been trying so hard to come up with ways we could stall it off but I'm sure she's right, this is where we're headed. It would take a massive effort to overcome it. It could be done, theoretically, if we put in that massive effort, but it's not very likely to happen. At least perhaps we can hope to see more Christine Weicks out there standing up against the devil's encroachments.

Otherwise, in the immortal words of Bette Davis, "fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride."

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