Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Congressional Treason: Pope Francis to darken the doors of Congress next year, following this year's darkening by an imam

Insult to Injury: Not only did our traitor Congress have an imam as "guest chaplain" yesterday [I've been getting this wrong -- this all occurred on November 13th, apparently I just got the news late], which ought to be impeachable as treason, but the Pope they invited some time back has now confirmed that he plans to visit the country next year, and Congress is on his itinerary. According to the Constitution Congress decides the punishment for treason, apparently not anticipating that Congress itself would be guilty of it.   I'm quite serious.  This should be a treasonable offense, both these violations of our governing body, because it puts the nation under God's wrath.

Two antichrists in our Congress, THE Antichrist to come next year, and this year the other leg of the Roman Empire ac illustrated by Nebuchadnezzar's statue in the Book of Daniel. All those who are waiting for some unknown personage to appear in the role of Antichrist have been blinded by the Jesuit invention of Futurism, which was created for the purpose of leading us off the trail of the Pope as the Antichrist, and the Jesuits know their business. He's here, he's been here for centuries. The Reformers knew it, what's the matter with today's Church?

Here are a couple of stories about his planned visit, from Yahoo and NBC.

He is to speak at the RCC's World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia on the last day of the conference, September 27th, and perform the blasphemous rite of the Mass on that day in front of Philadelphia's Museum of Art.  Over a million, even up to two million, are expected to gather in the streets for this event.  The Families conference extends from the 22nd to the 27th and the Pope's visit is to be three days from the 25th to the 27th.  The planned visit to Congress was not announced by the Pope himself but mentioned in the Yahoo story as part of the trip, no date given as yet, along with a visit to the White House and the United Nations.

The dates reminded me that the Jewish High Holy Days usually fall in that time period every year so I looked them up.  I also thought of the Blood Moons that have been getting a lot of attention recently, a "tetrad" of complete lunar eclipses expected to occur on Passover and Sukkot in both 2014 and 2015, those on Passover and Sukkot in 2014 already having occurred. 

So I was curious enough to look up the dates and found that the World Meeting of Families begins the day before Yom Kippur and ends the day before Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles. The last moon of the tetrad is to occur on Sukkot, September 28th. Here's a page on the blood moons in Jewish history.

The Fall Feasts in 2015:
* Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets), Sept. 14
* Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement), Sept. 23
* Sukkoth (The Feast of Tabernacles), Sept. 28

I just thought this timing very interesting.  Those who have been making much of the blood moon tetrad are of course very involved in trying to understand the prophetic "signs of the times" and since there are to be signs in the heavens associated with the return of Christ these are being watched very carefully.  The link I posted above refers to many events considered to have prophetic significance in history and even already in association with the blood moons that have already occurred.  I haven't become involved in the tetrad discussions because there are credible people on both sides of it, some saying for instance that it is quite common for blood moons to occur on the Jewish Holidays so that these don't have any particular significance.  As with many things that come out of the prophecy ministries these days I just don't feel the information is clear enough to take a stand on it one way or the other, so my position is Watch and see. 

But this coincidence of the Pope's visit with the last moon in the tetrad is very interesting.  This Pope tends to have strange events dogging his steps already, and I'm sure I haven't kept up with the most of it.  I just found out that the rare event of an earthquake occurred in Israel on the morning of his visit there in May of last year.  I've noted in my blogs the odd facts of the timing of the announcement of his appointment as Pope, 3/13/13 and the clock time at that very moment that adds up to 666, then that strange event of the seagull and crow that attacked the peace doves he released from the Vatican. 

But the main symbols that identify the papacy as the Antichrist include his having the title of the Caesars, Pontifex Maximus, certainly nothing Christian about that title;  his wearing of the garb of Roman pagan religions as well as the mitre of the ancient Babylonian religion of Nimrod, and I particularly like the way the Roman numerals in the title VICARIVS FILII DEI ("in the place of the Son of God" which is in itself as good as an announcement that he is the Antichrist), add up to 666.  Beyond that there are the decrees down the ages that give the Pope power over the entire world, over kings, and over you and me.   Oh there's so much more that I've wanted to try to collect in one post but haven't yet.

Stop looking for some other Antichrist, Church.  He's here.  Oh there may be a political leader  associated with him as well who rises at the appointed time to a position of power, along the lines of another Hitler, who was backed by the Pope of his time, but I'd guess it's going to be more directly a papal usurpation of power than that this time. 

Watch and see.

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