Saturday, October 5, 2024

One World Order Update

 This week's Understanding the Times radio show by Jan Markell..  Guiest Gary Kah on the one world order.    It's on You turbr this week or as always at her website Olive Tree Views, g\ot to Radio

One of her powerful ones.

Kamala slated for a big role as of four years ago.

Pope Francis out front in a new way, confirming me in my view that he is the coming world leader known as theAntichrist.  I'm one of few yowho see it this way, while Jan and other prophecy teachers think this figure is still to be revealed.  Nope, he's here.

Kah announced a big prayer meeting online, forty days usa with a different big name leader every day.  I have no way of finding out from where I am but as usual OI worry that they have probably included some so called Christian leaders who aren't really Christains, hin which case they've sabotaged the whole effort and God isn't going to hear us as we'd hope.  Well, maybe I'I'm wrong, I certainly hope I am.  Because prayer is about all we have left, there is nothing left we can do humanly dspeakihng about any of this.

Have mercy on us Lord.

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