Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Mutation, Schmutation

OK, now I've found many sources of this wacky idea that all variations are caued by mutations.  I'd heard it many times at EvC forum but it's so ludicrous I guess I just let myself forget it as I went on to work out my own fviews.  

This is again one of those weird situations where science thinks it's talkinga bout something scientific or factual when it's nothing but a totally made up imaginative contstruct without a shred of fact behind it.  There is no way that mutations created the DNA, created genes, bring about new variations such as I just saw claimed in differences in beak type.  It's impossible because of the nature of mtuations which surelyh they know perfectly well.  The percentage of what they think of as geneficial muatations is something like point oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh one.  We have thousands of genetic diseases and most observed utations are neutral, that is, they produce no change in the protein the gene codes for, or its resutltant trait in the phenotype.  

But theycli it anyway, in fact they speaqk of it as if it's a known fact.  Reminds me of some political stuff we're seeing all the time these days.  You like the idea therefore it's true, and you really don't knnneed any actual evidence for anyof it.  

I guess Ian't prove alleles are not produced by mtuations, all I can do is point out that the allele is simply there and the cause of it is assumed, never actually seen, unless it's a genetic diseae causing mutation or a nyeutral one.    

So all I can do is make my own counter claim which is that each gene is made up of two alleles and this is chte cause of all the variation we see in cretures.  

Of courseey need mjutation because hey need an explanation for how DNA got here in the first place whereas I see the DNA as created intact from the beginning, and the variations based on the fact that each gene has two variant forms or alleles.   That's the way it was made in the first place.  All mutations do is destroy, create junk DNA for instance, or make the kind of change that produces disease in the organism.  

Guess I can't prove it, can I?  Oh well.

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