Sunday, October 27, 2024

Just a Little Rant Against dawkins and the other antireligionists, and against the Left

 the more I hear of dawkins carrying on against religion, getting it all wrong, claiming we don't rely on evidence for our beliefs, confusing the religions together although they are in some cases as opposite to one another as it is possible to get, and bill Ny7e and Jerry Coyhne,  all of them acarrying on  about how science is suffering when science was invented by Christianity and couldn't ever have come into being without it, yes all the empirical rules yes....  sorry I'm running on and on.  I think it is way past time that an army of Christinas rises up and tell the man off and cdemand that he recognize that we do not believe anything without evidence and that we do not apply the same kind of reasoning to science as we apply to gthe Bible because theyare two entirely different kinds of information, and make the man acknowledge his errors.  Why do we put up with this stuff?

I often wonder the same about why we put up with the leftist politics in this country.  It's basiclaly treason but we treat it as normal politics .  this is insane.

Well, forget the Left for the moment.  Dawkins is just going on and on with his totally ignorant ideas about religion, at the URL I've posted below, And I think he needs to be given a sharp smack upside the head for his ignorant smear campaign.   

After he openw sith his usual ignorant statement that faith is belief without evidence he goes on and on about how we are told to believe and pass on our beliefs on this basis of lack of evidence and he gets into taching of Jesus and the writers of the New testament as examples.   I have tons foof good reasons to believe that jesus is who He says He is, that the witnesses to Him are actual people who are trustworthy witnesses to Him  and therefore I believe what He teaches as if I heard Him teaching it in a lecture room right now.  I can't observe anything in what He is teaching so I can't have that kind of evidence for any of it Mr. Dawkins but I have the evidence of His being a trustworthy guid3e so I believe Him when He teaches me things about the supernatureal that I have no other way of knowing about.

You can believe what you want however wrong you are, but don't tell me I don't have evidence for what I believe.   I believe in the resurrection of Christ from the dead because of all the witnesses to it that are rwritten about in the New testament.  I don't care if you believe them or not, you are obviously tone deaf to fact in this form, to character of people as presented in this form, to their trustworthiness as witnesses.  You are wrose than the spostle thomas who wouldn't believe the disciples who told him they'd seen Jesus risen from the dead.  You start out like that but he then believed when he was shown and jesus said those of us who believe without being shown, since we can't be, are blessed.  We believe the same thing thomas believed when he was shown.  You never will becaue you insist on a kind of evidence that can't be had.  Although I'm sure you believe in the reality of many ancient people just on the basis of witnesses.  You just deny "religion" because in your addled head it's something other than history.  Well kit's not.  It's history.  these things happened, these people existed, they said what theyar e reported to have said.  hesus did what He is reported to have done.  thomas finally accepted that jesus rose from the dead because Jesus graciously gave him the direct evidence of it he wanted.  I can't have that kind of evidence but I believe what the witnesses tell me which Jesus said thomas should have beleived but didn't.

if it's too outlandish for you so bei it, but if it's acceptable to meyou have no right to tell me I'm wrong to believe it.

I believe He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and is God born in the flesh to a human virgin.  Since He is God I believe tghat hHis death on the cross pays for my sixns as I'm told it does because that's the only way I could be spared an eternity of suffering.  You consider that immoral.  Wow.  

And you go on and on about a morlaity that derives from Christianity though you claim it comes from secular humanism.  You are amazingly ignorant of history.  there would never haee been rights for women without Christianity, jesus treated women as equals and that was new in Israel.  it was revolutionary and women's rights is based on that.   there would also hnever have been an end to swlavery without Christianity.  it was worldwide and deeply ientrenched in all cultures  which is why God was wise enough to leave it alone for a long time rather than provoke people into rejecting Him because He opposed it.  You have no such wisdom nor no idea of such wisdom.  He gave liberalized laws for governing slavery.  that was a great deal in its dime.    And finally when the time was right it was Christians who brought it to an end.  In the western world.  In the rest of the wrold it goes on as it always has without even the mitigating factors of the Old testament Law.

Oh and you are so supperior to the Law of God that you put yourself above the sentence of death for work on the Sabbath.  The law itself explains clearly that death will be the resutlt of work on the Sabbath, lighting a fire on the Sabbath for instance which is why one picks up sticks on the Sabbath and then gets the sentendce of death.  He was wsarned and the Sabbath should be recognized bgy you as something extremely important to the Israelitses if God decreed death for its violation.  But no, you judge the Law insteand rather than learning from it that it is that important and wanting to know why.  Some scientific mind there.

You might also consider that if God decreed such a ghastly punishment for the Midianistes that there was also extremely good reason for it or He wouldn't have done so.  It mayh be possible to find out why, it may have been overlooked.  there is a psalm that speaks of an enemy smashing the heads of the babies of the Isaralites against the rocks and if the Midianites did that then that would expolain the harsh judgment against them.  I don't know if it was the Midianites who did it but I do know that God doesn't decree punishment whimsically.  Everything He does has a good rason for it.  Which I guess you'll never find out.

Just went back and found him talkinga botu things I've anlready responded to but they get to me.  All the modern morality he impoutes to reason and secular thought IDID come from Christianity.  All of it.  Kindnessw.  that existed nowhere in the pagan world and would never hae arrived in the West without the influence of Christ.  Kindness to animals.  He says there is no basis for these things in scri8pture but there is and it does not exist anywhere else.    Yes it makes me mad.  It's hard to calm down when I hear stuff like that.  Lies lies lies.  they get my blod pressure up.  Yes the political lies o do that to me in particular these days.  but right now I'm listening to this utter falsification of histor from Dawkins.

Best of Richard Dawkins against Religion (

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