Monday, September 2, 2024

The Restoreation Project

Ayaan Hirsi Ali has a substack site where she pursues her vision of the restoration twe need in the West.  I'm certainly glad that's what she wants to pursue.  Also Jordan Peterson has a similar objective though I don't think he's got the accurate aim she ahas at what is needed.   And while they share important points as to what needes to be restored I think it's too fragmented to work very well as is, it needs a broader fraemwork.  

 ___Yes, the family, yes our institutins, but we can't restore these piecemeal , this wuld be autoaticlaly restored if genuine Christianity were restored, if the Bible were treated as the word of God it is and its teachings on marrige and parenting and loving your neighbor were taken to heart by the population.  Almost all the population, because tht's the way it was in the begining of the nation, sme ninety something perecent of the people were serious committed Christiants.  Even the framers of the Constitution appreciatd the need for Christian fomorality, ues even Jefferson who repudiated the supernatural aspects of the Bible.  

The American colonies had all been seriously Christian, even to naming Christ in their Constitutions.  When the federal Constitution was framed it was a betrayal of that Chrsitan spirt althoughj the spirit persisted in the people nevertheless, until of course the fallen naturue got the upper hand again and we lost it.  

If we have to sta somewhere without an actual revival of Christanity, then it should be with a massive emphasis on educating people in the principle sof the founding of the nation, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and as many of the letters of the founders or framers as you can get people to read or hear.  RwWe need to be steeped in that mentality,t he context out of which our rfreedoms and prosperity grew.  It can't come from anything else in this fallen world.  You can't transplant our benefits to other ntarions because they don't have the cultrtue al framework that promotes them and protects them.   We thought we could do it in afghanistantn.  We couldj't.  They don't have the mental set for it.  ____


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