Friday, September 20, 2024

Maher and Peterson

Bill Maher talking with Jordan Peterson, two men I like for some things they have to say but dislike for lots of others.  Maher is a liberal but he's the sane kind who see the bitg lie of wokeness.  Peterson has a lot of practical wisdom but his jungianism turns everything he thinks nto a strange twisted misrepresentation of reality.  Maher comes out with the popular cricisms of religion and Peterson defends Christianity from his weird revisionist admiration of it.  He psychologizes it, maybe that's all that needs to be said about it.

Listening just now I caught Maher calling trump a "monstrosity without giving any specific characterizations of him to  explain it.  Is he believing all the lies about him?  Is that why?  Or is there something I keep missing about this odd hatred of Trump that comes from something else that for some reason I can't see at all.  I don't get it.  I guess I can sort of get dislikeing him for his personality but how to you atively hate him and even go as far as some leftists to, wish him dead for that reason?   alling him a "monst

 dn't thnk I've heard one thing said about Trump from the Democrats, liberals, leftists, that's true at all.  I figure some of it they actually believe or some of them tdo , but there must be a few at least who know they are telling lies about him.   the vevidence is easily available in the case of most of the misquiotes.  The claim that he said something favorable about neoNazies is belied a few sentences later in that same speech theyh use for their lie, but the media cut that part off their reports and few bother to listen to the end.  The "bloodbath" quote was so clearly a statement bout how things would go economically for the auto industruy if Biden were elected, duie to Biden's politiceas and having nothing ehwhatever to do with Trumjp, that to misconstrue it as they do means they must be very very los IQ or lying intentionally, I can't see any other explanation.   Same with Trump's joke about spending his first day in office as a "dictator" it'sjust amanzing how they insist on taking that as a seirious trhnhjhreat, hard to believe anyone could possibly seriously take it that way.  They even turn his lovely gesture of raising his fist in solidarity with his fellow conservatives after nearly being shot to death as some kind of gesture of violence>  This makes me so sick, all of this, it's hrd to want to go on living in this world.  It makes me seek desperately for some way to get away from these crazy people, these dangerous evil people.

ow is he a"monstrosity to Maher?  How?

His policies are pretty solidly conservative, not all of them but most of them, ordinary conservative policies, nothing radical, nothing odd, nothing fascistic, and he showed in his first term tht he goes strongly after putting them in to  practice right away, which is a sign of the man's integrity, and his policies raised the general welfare of the nation for those four years.  But they on the other side are taking credit for it inteadk, it turns my stomach, they twist it all in ways I can't comprehend.  

Some of it is sheer ignorance though.  That ad where the woman says she's SO mad that biollionaires don't have to pay as much tax as she does is jut plain stupidity.  They don't understand the most basic stuff about economics on the left, and it's really wrietd to begin with to thinnk Trump would campaign on giving his cronies a tax break aginst the wellbeing of the people, crazy to think anyone could think anyone wcould be that straightforwardly self serving but they seem to believe it.  

They have n knowledge of the fact that when the welathiest get a tax break they expand business, which increases employmehnt, may evn raise wages, and that the amount of teax revenyue taken into the treasure after such a ploliciy is in place exceeds by a long shot the amount taken in under leftist policies that want to tax the richkinto oblivion.    Which just drives them out of the country if it's bad enough.    They want to kill the big corporations, usch as the big food chains by taxing them more and by stopping their "price gouging" which they are not doing.  they are gbaely taing ababove wter in these inflationary times but are being accused for causing what the biden administration impossed on them.  Prices have to go up or they'll go out of business when they are khit with the expenses imposed on them by the Democrates.s  Basic economics that even I understand, why can't they?    Then they pass laws permnitting shoplifting to add to the economic problems of the big stores.  Some have already had to close their doors.  All because of the idiotic leftist policies.  

How is trump oa monstrosity Mr. Maher?

I was going to try to get a few words in about his complaints about Christainity but now I'm not up to it.

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