Sunday, September 1, 2024

Contact Possibility

 Since I can't make use of the Comments section here, or use my email any more, I've been left without any way of hearing from anyone about my osts or antyhign selse for a long time, and it's been frustrating.  Especially now when I'm getting into the evolution issues again where it would be very helpful to get some feedback.

I'm pondered many possiblityies including putting the phone number of an old cell phohne up, but that really is not a good idea so I scrapped that one.  but then I realized maybe I could get a family member to keep an email account for me.  We discussed it and now that's what I'm going to try.  She started the account for me and is going to monitor it for me and read me any messages I get, read them over the phojne since she lives out of state.   The idea is thta if it nees a response I'll dictate a mesage for her to write back to the person, or I'll answer it on my blog.  


Here's an email address for responses to this blog:

Explanatory note is at:  _____Faith's Window: Contact Possibility (

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