Wednesday, August 14, 2024

why Christians object to evolution

 I wuld certainly like to be able to prove Dawkis wrong about evolution as well as religion and sometimes it's hard not to get angry about someto f hte things he says although I think I'mve managed to aoid letting loose with it so far.  I tis distressing however when he reads a bunch of hate mail he gets from people who identify as Christians.  Of course those are the ones he would read, and maybe he doesn't get mail from Christians otherwise, i wouldn't know, but that sort of namecalling rnacor shouldn't be coming from Christians.  mabr they arn'et really Christians.  Actually they probably aren't really though they may think they are.  Oh well, it's distressing but what else can be said, nothing I can do about it.H  He got

he got asked the question why religious people get so upset about evolution and he says he doesn't know.  Well, of course I don't care about all the toehr religions since I consider them all to be fakes anyway, but it sould be pclear, I would tbhink, why Christians object, ral Christians I mean, th ones who take the Bible as God's word.  There is no death in the created wsorld and there is certainly death in the theory of evolution.  And of course the world is only a few thousand years old acording to the Bible, laughable though that may see it's nevertheless the truth, while evolution requires billions of years.   Both those elements of evolutionary theory contradict the Bible and that's the meain reason to object to it.  Then there is the fact that the different kinds of creatures are clearly shown in scripture to have been created separately from each other.  Much more but mostly things that an ehetheist would wave off anywyay so I won't bother.

I wonder what he would do with the observation I make about the strata or the fact that selection reduces genetic vriability.  Probably wouldn't even bother to tr to thijnk about it.

Ity is harfd to accept of course, that scientiest have been working with this stuff for centuries and never dealt with these questions.  They've written tones on stratigraphy for instance.  how can they go on thinking they represent time periods when they work so closely with them?  

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