Friday, August 16, 2024

The Moral Sense of Unbelievers

 A post or three down I said that I thought a few of the Ten Commandments might be acceptable to today's secular moralists but I've thought further about it and don't think so.  Stealing is now promoted as gangs of shoplifters are free to drive businesses to shut down.  Lying is just fine because they all lie and I doubt they'd say much against it.  there was a time in America where there was enough Christian morality that you could count on people having enough of a conscience to check themselves when lying was a temptationj.  Stealing and lying.  Oh and murder too of course is just fine as long as the victim is a fetus as they prefer to call it to avoid the fact that it is a human eing.  And eucthanasia is OK though that is really murder too.  And of course it's just fine to assassinate anyone you disagree with.

So, sure Dawkins human beings have some sofrt of moral sense without God, but when you think about what it amounts to, it ain't much.

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