Friday, August 16, 2024

BSaving America Daydreams. Again. In the Teeth of Despair

 It' s been a while since I did a post on the subject of saving America.  I'd already lost much hope back then and it's even more so now.  Althought trump looks like he's in a good position to win the election I'm afraid the democrats could still manage to manipulate it in their own favor and Trump would lose, and that really might be finally THE end of America.  

I always come back to the recognition that half the country is believing the lises of the Democrats or leftists.  they never hear the truth and don't have any interest in seeking it out because they think they have the truth in their propagandists.  The rpblem keeps seeming to be this blindness of half the country.  Surely a lot of them would change their minds if they knew the truth.  I suppose not all of them, but a lot of them.  But getting the truth to them seems insurmountable problem.  All the normal channels are effectively blocked.  Even with millions or billions of dollars you couldn't get the message through on those normal routes.  

I tend to daydream about doing it the old fashioned way, with flyers, stuck under windshield wipers, thrown onto porches, nailed to telephohne poles and so on.  Enormously difficult but in a different way.  It wuld also take billions but on top of that a lot of human workers.    Still I keep coming back to it.

mark Levin gave a list of questions he'd like to ask Kamal a Harris on his show this eveing, quetsions about economics for instance since she keeps lying about whty there is inflation and who creted it and seems not to understand how inflantion is created.  The left keeps pushingpolicies tht can only bankrupt the country but they either don't know it or they are doing it on purpose and p[robably it's both.  but the average Democrat surely just don'oestn' know any of it and needs to be educated.  those wuld be the popele a blitz of flyers would aim at.

Economics, the border --  wow, there is an ad on my local radio stateion, supp[oedly a conservative station, for a guy fruning for Congress who sounds like a Republica mnn compalaining about the border situation and how criminals have come into the country, but he blames it on the Republican incumbent rather than the biden administration.  The guy calls himself an independnent but clearly he's a leftist.    I wonder how mmany people his tack will influence.

Just list the econionmic issues and answer them briefly in this flyier.  causes of inflation, facts about inflation under Biden and under Trump, how etaxing the rich actually venefits the poor and middle class rather than being a favor to rich cronies as the left likes to say it is  did I say tazing the rich?  I can't remember .  I meant of course cutting taxes on the rich.    Cutting taxes on the rich benefits the whole country, produces more jobs, expands businesses wihich further produce more jobs, can even raise wages, and is known to bring in more tax revenuie thatn when taxes are raised.   I'm sure the liberals have no clue about any of that.    Also the minimum rwage is a disaster for the economicy and they love that one.  As Milton Friedman said it is the worst possible policiy for young blacks just enetering the work force because nobody will hire them for menial jobs at such high wages.    Why\\\\  Surely what we need to bget across is the simplye fact that a free market, free enterprise, works out best for everybody in the end, but they hate capitalism.  that's another big one for the flyer.    Rento controls, price controls, more favorites of the leftg, disasters for the economy.  They don't get it.  Or they are determined to destroy the country.  I hope they just don't get it.  Bombard them with educational flyers.    

Unfortunately a flyer would't be large enough to contain all the information I'd like it to contain.  Id like to ahve a section taking on everyly lie told agobbout Trump and snswering it.  I keep hearing all that idiotic stuff still..  Hear it on The view for instance.  

Hundreds of millions of flyers would have to go out in the next few weeks unfortunately.  too bad.

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