Sunday, July 21, 2024

Trump, the RNC, Elon Musk

 I was in the kitchen making some tea, able to hear the radio in the living room from there, when there was an announcement of breaking news so I perked up m,y ears, and heard the first reports of the assassination attempt on Donal Trump.  He'd suddenly tropped down below the podiu,m while in the middle of a speech, holding a bloodied ear, or the side of his face, nothing was all that clear at the very beginning.  The announcer wsn't sure what had happened but thought he'd probably been shot.  I immiediatly thought, Oh no, they killed him.  

But then the word ame that he was OK and I was relieved, but it was a long minute or so before we got the description of his coming up to face he audience with his fist in the air, omouthing the word "fight "  and then I was really relieved.

It was so close we all knew it was God who had saved him.  there is no other explanation.  He turned his head at precisely the right second and the mbullet missed his skull and hit him in the ear.  That's god and thank You TLord that we now know you are having mercy on us after all.   

Then there was the Republican convention and I am surprised at how much I enjoyed the speeches I heard.  Very cheering, very hopebuilding.   It took some listening to You Tube interviews before I was convinced that J D Vance was a great pick for Vice President but I truly am convinced now.  I just wish he was a free market capitalist instead of whatever that economic weird system is he ascribes to, and I wish when he decided to become a Christian he hadn't gone for Catholicism.  But otherwise he's very much the right choice for trump.

I think my favorite speech of them wall was Ben Carson's and I've lstened over to it a umber of times.  He starts out quoting Isaiah No weapeon formed against you will prosper, nd ends with the quote possibly misattributed to Alexis deToqueveille, though it really doesn't matter since it's a good summation of what Toqueville wrote:  America is great because America is good.  So let's make America good again.    America is no longer so good unforetunately, but the hope is that maybe God will guide us back o it.  

The other main thing I've been thinking about recently is Elon Musk who has come out and endorsed Trump an pledged forty five million a month to his election.  A lot of ehat Musk says makes me very happy but when he gets into things like crypto currency and AI it sets my teeth on edge, mainly I supposed because I don't understand either.  He's super brilliant and his heardt seems to be in the right place when it comes to caring about the future of huimanity and the future of western civilization so I can't really say anything against it.  It just sets my teeth on edge.  

I don't know if Musk has any spiritual inclincations at all, but it's pretty clear he's no Christian at least not in the orthodox sense.  Liek so many brilliant people he's got all his concerns in this world, thinking in terns of making other planets habitable when this wone loses its sustainability for humanity and tht sort of thing.  I don't think anyone with any biblical frame of reference could uentertain such a thought.  This world is the fallen world, it's not the world we are meant to live in.  It's a waystation now to an eternity either in Heaven or in Hell, and that's the only option availble.  Not believing anyh of that of course does not make it untrue, but to the secular mind Christianity is just another religion and this world is all there is and religion just gets in the wayh of threir ambitions for this world.

Later:  I'm adding this much later though what I want to add it simomething I simply forgot to include ihn the original writieng, which is the stepping down of Biden from running for President.   That was annonced ohn Sunday after days of back and forth by the Democrats about whether or not he should step down.  Plus ishis sutubborn refusal to step down.   I don't think there's anyone else who wuld be more popular or pose more of a threat to Trump than Biden, unless it might be Michelle Obama, but although I've been generally more optimjistic since god's savihng Trump's life I nevertheless have doubts that linger on.  Very much because I know the nation is under god's judgment and although He shows us mercies here and there it's hard to imagine that without a major rependance of the nation that He'd take us much farther back than we are.  MAYBE He'd give us another Trump Presidency but even if He did it would be burdened with all the harassment and interference the first one was because the Democrats are determined to destroy him and destroy the country and disenfranchise my half of the polit8ical population.    Without a major rependtance I can't see that God would intervene to reinstate us as the great and good nation we once were.  I'd love to be wrong.  

Sunday night I heard some of Talk Show Host Bill no no Cumings but I can't think of his name, having another senior moment which are becoming way too frequent.  Bill somjething that starts with a C anyhwya.  The Great American he calls himself, which always makes me cringe.  Why do they give themselves such titlces anyway.  Anyway he said that although it's possible, speaking from a humban oint of view, for Trump to pull off a win considering that he has such a good start, it's going to be an uphill battle because the Democrat Machine as he calls it is powerful and very efficient at manipulating elections.  Which is yes, the sort of thing I would expect to kick in at this poinht.  And if, or really because, he are under God's judmgent, there is no reason for Him to interfere with that.  Again, only a massive turning back to god in repentance could possible turn the tigde at this point.    Abd agaubm eveb uf ge wubsm wgucbg wiykd be a great bkessubg ti tge ciybtrtym and again, even if he wins, which would be a great blessing to the country, the Democrats won't leave him alone because they have no respect for America, for voters, for anything we oh the right care most about, they jyust want to destroy everything that gets in the way of their own power and wealth.

So.  Biden has stepped down but I don't see anyitng very good coming from that.  Or from his staying for that matter.

I have one more thing to add here which was also on my mind when I wrote this post though it has nothihjhg to do with politics and that's an interview I heard by Piers Morgan of the author of a new book about Ted Bundy, the author being Bundy's cousin who knew him very well and afte ffifty heyuears finally decided to tell her story.  I won't be reading the book of course and I really only have one thing I want to note about what she had to say.  She describes Budy's coming to her door once and her dog acting violently disturbed by his presence as if he or she sensed something about him, and I noted in my own reading about Bundya a few few years ago that dogs barded and growledged at him.  Then there was her having seen him dancing with one of her freiends at a party once and his face was twisted in an angry grimace and his eyes were not their usual blue but solid glblack.  That too is a feature that was reported in other things I've read about Bundy.  One thing she didn't mention was the sorrority girl who was going out of her room into the hall of her dormitory late at night to bget something and was frightened by a sense of pure evil in the hall, driving her back into her room and locking the door.  TGhe next morning two of her dorm mates were dead.  that same night some olf the girls returning home noticed that the housemother's cat was all bristled out and stnading on titptoes the wsay cats tdo whtne they are scared, and when the door was opened it bolted out and didn't come back for over a wekk as I recall.  

All these things suggest that bundy sort of emancated something evil that animals felt and ven people at times.  And that it turned his eyes black.  Whatg would turn his eyes black>?  I haven't read an explanation of that anywhere.  Was it the expansion of his pulils to comjpletely displace the iris?  the puils expand to let in more lifth.  Was he looking into a very dark place at those moments which causesd that to happen?  I don't know.  I don't know if that explains the black eyes to start with, it's jut the only thing I can't think of.  But the best explanation for all of that seems to me to be that he was possessed by a demon, a particularly evil amalevolent vicious sadistic murderous demon.  I think there are many people who are considered to be mentally disturbed who are demon possessed but of course nobody takes that idea seriously.  Too bad.

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