Thursday, July 28, 2022

What On Earth Is Beth Moore Doing? Portentous Sounding Nonsense

Beth Moore is a current popular Christian teacher I'd seen in brief clip-s now and then as she came up in the preaching of teachers I follow, but I had no interest in finding out more about her until I realized she was a guiding light in a bible Study in my building.   I'd thought of her as a possibly biblical enough teacher who was wrong as a woman to comman a congregation of people but that was about it.  
Now wanting to know more about her I found a video at You Tube in which she's speaking to a huge audience for a fairly short time as sermons go, and watched it:

The experience needs a lot more discussion than I'm going to be able to give it here.  The experience was stunning.  I've listened to it three times so far to see if I can pin down exactly what she's doing and my conclusion to this point is that it's literally crazy-making, even technically speaking "schizophrenogenic."  
That is, what she says makes no logical sense at all.  It's a string of non sequiturs all passionately delivered as if she's saying something important.  They are often held together if at all by something I learned in basic Psy7ch yeyears ago is known as a "clang association," that is, ideas related by something incidental in the language, the sound of a word though the ideas themselves are not related to each other by meaning.  So sfor instance she starts out with a quote about how if Jesus drives all the passenbgers thrive.
Just the fact that the words "driv
es" and "thrive" don't rhyme perfectly was enough to derail me for a mome nt since it would have been easy enough to create an exact rhyme.  That made me think the dissonance was intendxded.  Dissonance scrambles your mind and that seems to be the intent and it goes on throughtout her talk on more than one level.  And this one is a side issue anyway because where she goes from that quote is into an impassioned statement about how she wants Jesus to be the driver of her desire.  
Eh wot?  What does hthat have to do with Jesus driving or leading "passengers" which presumably means His influence as leader is what we all need?  What does that have to do with jesus as driving our "desire?  And in fact what does that phrase mean at asll?

Then she abruptly switches to quoting Ephesians 4 where Payul is expressing his hope that the Ephsians will grow up into Christ our head, which of course means he wants to see them become more and more conformed to the character of Christ.  Already a switch from her passionately declared  statement about wanting Jesus to be the driver or her desire or however that went, to Jesus as our model we are told in more than one place to conform to as a model of charactedr.   

But from there she suddenly says she's going to say something very "bold" ahnd she hopes it will be heard in the Spirit rather than in the flesh "as some kind of permissiveness" or something like that.  So now one's ears are alerted to some kind of bold statmeent about our christian growth into the character of Christ.  Which is already miles from the idea that if Jesus drives all passengers thrive or the idea that she wants Him to be the driving desire of her life.  Now suddenly she launches into an admonition about how "we" let ourselves be talked down to as children  and don't claim our rrightful state of maturity and authority ovewr our children etc.  
Eh wot?

All this is delivered in a very portentous voice, very emphatic, very emotionjal.  All of it, each unrelated thought of it.  So many of bher terms are biblical that adds to the sense of the importance of her message although there is really no message here at all, just a string of wild images that bounce from onme to the next AS IF they are related though they aren't.  
SpeakiSpeaking portentous sounding nonsense was a technique of hypnosis promoted by a well known psychologist back in the sixties and seventies although I can't remember his name.  If an authority, or anyobody perhaps, speaks to you in what seems to be a tone of great seriousness but what is actually said makes no sense, it will put you into a hypnotic trance.  
 that what is driving the popularity of 
Moore?  And is
 she doing this intentionally, consciousnly or is her mind just that scramblecd?   
She goes on from her impassioned statement about how we should not let ourselves be treated as children though we are grownups, which of course has nothing to do with growing up into the character of Cbhrist, on to images of the apostle Paul beaten up but managing to survive, given with a quote from the book of Acts, and something about how she is sure we would all want to identify with him without being beaten up, but only when he was being the hero and getting up to go bac k to his work, which has nothing to do with anything she's said before.  

Oh it goes on like that from one biblical quote and image to another until the auddience must be reeling.  What are they doing with this stuff?  Maybe getting somekind of message out of the fragments she tossses out, say lealearning that she shouldn't let their children talk down to them or something like that?  Or maybe that Jesus should be their driving desire?  Or that they should notice how they are unwilling to identify with Paul in his sufferings but only in his triumphs?  Which bit of this word salad are they taking to heart?  Beause I can't imagine they think there's anything continuous or coherent in her talk so I figure they must be picking out fragments and thinking they are getting the message.  But I don't know.  
What I do know 
is that in this particular talk she is talking portentous sounding nonsense.  Ande I don't know if this talk is typical, and I don't know if she is doing it intentionally or if she's just as crazy as she sounds.  That is, if you aren't just carried away and have the mental ability to notice that she isn't making sense.

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