Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sam Harris Attacks Religion" From an Abysmally Ignorant Position

For a few weeks at least, I've been listening to atheist talks and debates against 
religion" and it's pretty depressing both how ignorant the atheists are and how much hatred they bear against believers, believers in any religion but  of course the fact that they hate Christianity is the most depressing thing.   Christianity built western civilization and they have no idea.  They attribute the rights and freedoms so recently won in the history of the world to their own rationalism.  They are abyssmally ignornat.  

TGhis talk by Sam Harris is introduced by a guy who is nearly beside himself with hatred for "religion".

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apparently some years ago holding forth against religion.  I don't know when this was but apparently during the Bush administration.  I gather this atheistic aggresion there is so much of on the internet got started as a restul of the attack on the Wtc on Nine Eleven.  But instead of focusing on Islam they attack all 

religion" and treat Christianity as essentially the same kind of thing as Islam.  This is pernicious ignornance, scary scary evil ignignorance.  

My eyes are worse than usual today so I know this post is already a horrendous mess.  I hope I'll be able to fix it later but I don't know.

All I think I'll answer her is one thing Sam Harris said and maybe do more in a later post.  He is chiding George Bush for referring to our "god give rights" and complains that golly gosh Mr Bush which god are you tlaking about.  Poseidon?  The ignorance here is glaring.  It is our own founding documents, our American documens, specifically the Declaration of independence, that says our rights are God Given.  "We hold these truths to be self evidence, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights..."  Remember?  Why argue against Bush. when it's right there in our aMAmerican founding documents.  And if you haven't noticed, all the nations of Europe are likewise dedicated in one way or another to the same Creator God.   Not Poseidon but the God of the Bible, the God of Christianity.

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