Thursday, July 28, 2022

Maybe I'm Getting a Scrambled Brain From Hearing Too Much Beth Moore

Well, considering that I really don't have much patience with all this I need to keep what I say to a minimum.  Maybe I can come back to it later with more understanding than I have at the moment.  

I've listened to more of Beth Moore and I don't know if she's making more sense or I'm getting used to her.  She still throws in some silly non sequiturs.  I still want to call her the Queen of Gobbledygook.  But as with most false teachers she says some good things mixed in with the nonsense.  Same with that book Jesus Calling.  There are good messages all mixed in with its heresies.  In Moore's cae it may not be heresies, but it is a strange kind of disjointedness and to my mind ultimate meaninglessness.

This series I've been listening to is called The Art of Growing Up which is in itself an oddely inappropriate way of characterizing the passage in Ephesians 4 she's supposedly wrapping this theme around.  Growing up into the stature of Christ knit together with the Body in unity through our spiritual gifts == there's just something wrong about the way she turns that into a series about growing up in the  usual earthly sense.    Yes it is a kind of clang association on the term growing up.  The words don't mean the same thing in the different contexts.  

The Art of Growing Up - Part 1 of 4 | Beth Moore - YouTube

Growing up into Christ is about confessing and repudiating sin, where is that in her teaching?  It's about knowing the life and character of Christ so as to become more like Him.  All the talk about finding our purpose seems sort of related but it's so abstract and so easily taken over by the worldly context it's hard to know what to make of it.  

We need to go back to the old ways.  There are some current preachers who are good but these crowd-pleasing entertainers should be avoided even when they are saying some true things.    The glibness is unerving even when something true is being said.    There's something wrong with it all and I'm having trouble pinning it down.

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