Thursday, July 28, 2022

Beth Moore and the Role of Women in the Church; Which Gets Me Back to the Women's Head Covering As a Possible pPivotal Infleucne in the churches in the Direction of Apostasy.

The Wikipedia article about Beth Moore reports that she recently left the Southern Baptist Convention to become a member of the Anglican Church because the former holds a Complementarian view of the role of women in the Church while the latter are egalitarians.  complementarianism holds to the biblical view that women are under the headship of male leaders in the Church, while egalitarianism is the doctrine of equality of roles for both sex3es in the Church.  

Here is a video I found by someone whose name I didn't catch who lays out the case as I understnand it myself.  He quotes Beth as claiming that Complementarianism is not biblical but a doctrine of men, which is quite wrong as it is completely biblical.  

He also refers to Wayne Grudem's presentation of the evidence that liberalism in the churches starts with feminist egalitarianism, which is an interesting piece of information to me as I've often wondered if the fact that the churches have abandoned the head covering for women was a pivotal point in the degneration of the churchews today .   the head covering symbolizes male headship and the position of women as under male leadership.  That makes a prominent leader like Beth Moore a violator of the biblical order given by God.

She has apparently already endorced Critical Race Theory in the Church, although I'm not completely clear about that, and I know she strongly opposes Trump because of his locker room talk that got captured on video and spreade abroad.  Although that was a pretty objectionable incident the fact is that it was exposed by the Left to smear Tr7ump while they carefully protect Leftist politicians from that sort of exposure.  We know now, or at least some of the conservatives know, that Biden not only talked about what Trump talked about he actually did it and a woman complain4ed.   And we just don't know anything about the private lives of many other Democrats.  We found out about Kennedy's womanizing eventually but that's probably just the tip of the iceberg.

So this speaker is looking for Moore to keep sliding into Leftist positions.  

he recHe recommends an interview by Justin Peters of a Christian woman leader Susan Hecht about Beth Moore so I am listening to that and will post that information:

Susan Hecht sounds like a  trustworthy Bible teacher who should be the main reference for bible studies instead of Beth Moore.     this interview is a good overview of Moore.

So I think I should end this with another emphasis on the women's head covering.  It's such an emblem of the whole complementarian theology of women's role in the Church.  So many times I've wondered if  the abandonment of this practice has something to do with the drift into apostasy in so many churches.  there are certainly many churches where it is not practices but the church is orthodox in spite of irt, but since my own study of it led me to such a strong undeerstanding that we are in fact required to cover our heads in the sanctuary.    

We require men to UNcover their heads and that comes from the same scripture passage.  It was a theologian who is a part of a sstrong complementarian ministry who wrote the article that destroyed the time honored understanding of that passage as requiring a literal head covering, interpreting it as meaning just that women should take care to appear feminine in our dress and that sort of thing.  It's poisoned the churches.   I've  documented all this on my blog Hidden Glory.  I keep thinking this is a linch pin issue, that wif churches got back to requiring it we might see a reversal of the trend to apostasy and a revival of the Church with the power we've lacked for so long to have an influence in the culture.    

WelThis topic is not mentioned by ANY teacher I know of, including all those I particularly appreciate as true Bible teachers.  Out here in the cyber boonies I have no ability to influence anything in the church and I don't know if I could even function in such a role, but I nevertheless hope that what I say out here might be picked up by someone and passed on to someone who could make a difference.  It's up to the LORD and so far it's not happening.  Nevertheless I continue to think this is a pivotal problewm in the churches.

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