Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Being Yoked with Unbelievers is Also a Cause of the Weakness of the Churches

A strong Church, a doctrinally  sound Church, a Church with pastor and members that pray long hours for each other and for revival.  How I wish.  

Besides all the bad teachings that are corrupting the churches there is this extremely bad pidea that it's OK to get together with members of other religions and cultus such as Mormons or Jews or roman catholics or Muslims and so on,, thinking it's a nice thing to include them and if the focus is on the Bibble then there's a chance they'kll learn the truth.

But they won't.  Most of them already know at least some of the Bible and it makes no difference at all, they think it justifies their false beliefs.  And meanwhile true Christians are compromised by their presence.  Asw I've pointed out many times "ecumenical prayer" which includes those other religions is like Elijah praying with the priests of Baal.   It's hard to grasp how off base Christians can be that they think God could bless such a  prayer.  Since the prayer breakfasts in Washington DC are of this "ecumenical" sort it's no wonder the nation keeps sinking lower and lower despite all their earnest prayer.  And the National Cathedral is a horror of liberal theology as well as treating all religions as the same.

I wish there was a way to get the message out to all the churches, but then that's just wishful thinking, isn't it>  Even if they got the message they'd just scoff at it as too narrow and fundamentalist or something.

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