Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Lifting of a Great Black Cloud of Doom From Over the Nation

While I'd be happiest if more people realized that abortion is wrong based on understanding that it's a human being from conception, my main reaction to the Supreme Court decision is a huge relief that the nation is no longer under God's judgment for this sin of murdering babies to the tune of sixty million. It is clear from the Bible that a nation is judged on the righteous or unrighteous acts of its leaderrs and removing the federal government from that responsibility which threatens all of us with all kinds of calamities, is a relief I can hardly ddescribe. It's huge. The sun camed out. God may smile on thenation again. Oh there are still plenty of sins on the hands of the government but with this one lifted there's some breathing space and others may follow. Maybe we could even have a revival.

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