Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Geology of the Flood Discussed by a Respectful Nonreligious Scientist

In God's Providence a lecture in Geology came across my path at You tube and stirred me up again about the evidence for the Flood of Noah which recently got me to sit down and write 15000 words over one week off the top of my head. It needs three times that number of words to get the whole thing worked out but I have to believe that the Lord inspired me to do that much, just out of the blue.

This talk was given by a Geomorphologist named David Montgomery, who wrot4e a book about the history of Geology's dance with the Biblical Flood, which he doesn't just dismiss out of hand as so many sceintiests to. He eve3n appreciates Morris and Whitcomb's 1961 book on the Flood as serious science. I like his tone and his whole approach to the subject. I wish I could read one of his books, "the Rocks Don't Lie." ,br>

I've got thoughts galore about his comments but as usual my computer isn't up to a long dissertaion so maybe I'll try writing some of them in bits and pieces. over a number of pots.

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