Friday, June 17, 2022

The Atheist Mentality

It's natural for fallen humanity to be atheist because they don't have the spiritual faculty to discern God. We lost that at the Fall, when our first parents disobeyed God. That was the first death, the loss of the spiritual connection with God. yes we are still responsi8ble to recognize God because of all the evidence around us in Nature, but with our dead spirits it's just too easy not to notice.
We have to be born again. We can't expect a Hitchens or a Dawkins of a Harris to beleive in God. It would take God Himself to draw them and turn their minds to consider the possibility. But in their own fallen conditon they can't apprehend God and since the flesh is at enmity with God have no desire to. What Jesus did and taught is understandable only through the regenerated spirit. Expecting the flesh to obey it is asking too much.

It's of course annoying to hear over and over how "religionb" includes Christianity and Islam and Roman Catholicism and all the rest of them because they have no spiritual ability to discriminate. It's also annoying to hear over and over how Christians are believers becaus we are looking for consolation or meaning or whatnot. Because that isn't why we believe. We believe because we know it is true. THEY can't tell it is true bbbut WE know it is true and that's why we believe. It's why I believe, that's for sure.

Hitchens' hideous accusation of the idea of Christ's sacrifice for us as a shirking of personal responsibility makes my jaw drop through the floor. Good grief. We can't pay for our violations of the Moral Law that runs this universe. We'd all go to Hell if God hadn't sent us His perfect sinless Son to pay our debt for us and yet that is denigrated by this Phiklistine as immoral. Yikes.

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