Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Natural Selection Leads to Genetic Depletion Leads tro the End of Evolution, but Who's Goind to Notice, or Point to it if they do Notice

"The Engine of Evolution" as Dawkins calls it, Natural Selection, just runs out of goas? Something like that. I know it's highly improbably that even the truth that proves evolution wrong will never be recognize3d despite all the noble sounding declarations of sceince's commitment to acce3pting the truth wherever it lies. Some things are just to political even when it comes to science. And if evolution falls a lot falls with it, who would want that responsibility? I don't know, but it's up to God in the end. He could bring it to light or let people go on in the dark. ,br>
There was a member of EvC forum some years ago who liked my argument, who had a relationship with the creationist paleontologist Kurt Wise. He told Wise about the argument and then reported back to the forum that Wise just didn't think it would ever be accepted. EEnd of subjectr.t. I've always know it was right nevertheless. The scientific studies done by Wise and Austin and others no doubt also prove evolution false, but there's something about this observation the Lord led me to that does the job a lot better just because it's so much simpler. Br>

I SO want to see this demonic stronghold of the fallen world demolished.Please please please demolish it, Lord.

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