Saturday, June 18, 2022

Jordan Peterson Intro Probably More to Say Later

Jordan Peterson. He's a fascinating phenomenon. It's hard to know what to make of him, he's so utterly unique. Something inb him is straining toward God with such a passion his God-shaped hole is swallowing him up. But at the same time he's pursuing God from such a personal point of view I fear he's going to miss Him altogether.

Oh wow, I'm not up to this post right now but my eyes are so bad I don't dare just leave it for another time because I never get back to the place i left off so I'm going to post one of the videos about him and exit for now:?]

sten to this guy. On the Bible He's trying to "make it rational" but he has an amazingly deep appreciation of his own take on it. He's wrong but there's something so compelling about his thoughts they're of value in their own right. It's missing God, that's the problem, and it's hard to see how you get to God from where he is but, wll, God is the God of the impossible.

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