Tuesday, June 21, 2022

J. C. Ryle on End Times Prophecy

Valuable resource. J C Ryle on the Sercond Coming of Christ, a book of sermons on the subject written in 1879, or better to say, compiled. In his preface to the book Ryle lays out the elements of prophecy he's entirely sure of, and lists elemtns he doesn't discuss because although he has opinions about them they are too speculative and he wants to stick only to what he knows.

Among what he considers to be known from scripture are the certain return of the jews to their ancestral land, to be dealt with in the Great Tribulation; the identify of the Harlot Church, Mystery Babylon and the Antichrist with the Roman Catholic Church, although he thinks there will probably be a fuller expression of it by the time of the end; that includes the identify ot the Roman Church as the Great Apostasy; the resstoration of the Earth in the Millennium following the return of Christ when SWatan is bound for a thousand years. Among the things he won't discuss because he can only speculate on them, is the Rapture of the Church.

So far I've only heard the Preface. I' mm looking forward to the sermons.

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