Friday, June 24, 2022

It's Literally True, Jordan, Terrifying Thought that may It's not Metaphorical

Lately my blog should be titled something like "Notes on Daily Wanderings Through You Tube." Anyway, here's another:

Jordan Peterson is very interesting when he sticks to comments on today's cultural degenerations and the task of psycho0logical maturation of the individual and that sort of thing, but this taking it all into the Bible, rewriting Christianity in this same psychological image as it were, he's committing a sort of murder of the truth. His thoughts become a desert of meaninglessness in this context, they feel like the Abomination of Desolation to me, truly desoating. I remember reading simlar metaphorizings of the Bible back before I was a believer. A lot of high sounding soul death. M

He has to reject the reality, the reality you get from just reading the bible as written. Somewhere he said that to really believe it would be "terrifying." That I can appreciate and in a way I think believers should have something more like that perspective because what we actually believe is truly earthshattering stuff, mindblowing, life transforming. Real life and death, not pscyholgocial metaphroical life and death. That comment reminded me of a review of a book I read years ago, didn't read the book itself, Annhie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, in which she was quoted asa writing that we should wear crash helmets to church. That's the These unbelievers seem to me to feel something of the true level of reality of what we believe that may escape us even the best of us. But instead of joining us as belieevers they treat us as stupid literalists or something like that and prefer their psychologizing vision of Biblical ruth and have the arrogance to think they are right and we wrong.

No, th3e truth is the reality of a man who really is both God and Man in the flesh, who chose to be born in human form so He could identify with our human condition even though we are sinners and he sinlesss. As sinners we are destined for Hell and in compassion God the Father sent His Son to die in our place so that we don't have to go to Hell. Gosh, how literal minded of us to believe that. GFoolishness to the Greeks, stumbling block to the Jews. He took on our sins, nailed them to the cross with his own body, poured out hisown blood for our forgivenessgave us his own righteousness in exchange for our sinfulness. Loved us even when we were still sinners.

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