Thursday, June 23, 2022

It Needs An Answer and I Have An Ansswer for It

Yes I know creationists have gone a long way to proving the Flood but I still like my own proof best because I think it's simpler and more direct. So here's that cross section again:

See all those nice parallel layers that make up the body of the image, aren't they just so neat and parallel and undisturbed looking? I mean there's a lot of disturbance on that diagram, both at the top and the bottom of it, and the whole area has been lifted as a block, up over a rise in the Grand Canyon area, and abruptly at the far left, at the north end of the Grand Staircase.

But it's quite clear that all those strata stacked from the bottom of the canyon to the topof the staircasze were laid down horizontally and then disturbed only as a block, not separately.

But wouldn't time periods of tens of millions of yeares have encountered something to disturbe their neat sedimentary deposition? Which isn't even to mention that it's absurd that they are characterized by a neat sedimentary deposition at all. And if you try to figure out how that sedimentary layer could have sxpanned the vast areas they do without killing everything in its path you'll turn your mind into a pretzel and get a severe headache.

But there is plenty of disturbance to the block of strata as a whole. The uplifted area of the Grand Canyon, the Great Unconformity at its base, the magma dike that pushed its way from the very bottom to the very top of the Grand Staircase on the far left, the carving of the cliffs that make up the Grand Staircase and of course the cutting of the Grand Canyon.

Lots and lots of disturbance to the stack as a whole after it was all laid down. Iisn't it a bit odd that if all those layers represent time periods the only time period in which any of the supposedly normal activities and violences that happen on this earth only happened after they were all laid down serenly one after another? Ove their supposedly hundreds of millions of years? Huh? Huh?

Well, the Flood is the best explanation. for the strata. And then after the Flood there had to have been all that violcene that must have occurrred in relation to it, probably during its draining phase. The tectonic plate movement that started the continents seaparating, a movement that would have been quite a jolt and pushed around a lot of land on all the continents, the sway we see it tilted and broken and cut into on this cross section. Volcanoes were released by the tectonic plate movement, all sorts of interesting formation s were carved by the draining water and probably also by the draining of the glacial dammed lakes that broke up some time later. The Southwesxt USA is a great tesimony to the Floo9d, all those shapes carved by the retreating waters of the Flood, all that land pushed around, uplifted etc. by the tectonic jolt etc etc etc. And yes I explain the angular unconformities all over the world and under the Grand Canyon as caused by the tectonic jolt which pushed a lower section of horizontal strata up against another stack of the same stack of strata after they were all laid down. but I have to end this post.

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