Monday, June 20, 2022

Jordan Peterson: Would you Tkae Seriously a Warning From an Obscure IBlogger About Psychologizing God's Wo?

It just hit me this afternoon and of course it will sound crazy to many people but I feel obliged to write about it. I'd send an email but I can't see well enough to do the research to find that kind of information any more. I can't read much and websites are usually a confusing chaoes of images and unreadable print.

JORDAN PETERSON: After doing a few posts on you and your Bible series it hit me that what you wree doing is actually blasphemy. I'm slow on the uptake, I didn't catch that for a while. but whenever a person adds to or subtracts from the word of God we are warned that plagues will be added to our lives. That part is what just hit me about an hour ago because I know you've been sick for some time.

I'm glad you are better, I missed your voice on the internet like so many others deid, but now that I've seen some of your Bible series I'm worried that there is a cause and effect hjere that you wouldn't suspect and I even missed it myhself until now.

If you really want to live as if God exists, as you've said, please take this seriously. God does not let us get away with this kind of sin. You are actually defending the Bible in many ways, but since you are refusing to take it as written and imposing your own interpretations on it, treating the actual meaning as myth and offering metaphorical meanings instead, you are tampering with the actual word of God and that is very dangerous. I just hope that since you do it in ignorance you may be forgiven.

I wiswh I couodld write this to you personally. I hope that somehow someone who sees it might get it to you and that you would take it seriously. I know that is not too likely with people who believe in evolution and have dismissed the Bible as the actual revelation of God irbelievers know it to be, but if you have a concern about your own wellbeing, PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. God is not mocked.

Then I started wondering if Chrisopher Hitchens' untimely death had a similar cause. He actively ridiculed the Bible and its central teaching of Christ's death in the place of sinners.

I don't know the timing of Peterson's Bible series but I rthink it preceded his sickness in a way that is suggestie r of a connection.

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