Saturday, June 4, 2022

Hey Church! Don't We Have Our Marching Orders Already for a couple of Millennia?

What are we waiting for? Why are we just standing by and letting it all happen around us and to us, merely pondering where it fits into Bible prophecy as if there's nothing we can do? Why are we so passive?

It's not so much a time for action, though because this is Satan's work and he's got so many angles operating it's overwhelming. It can feel like there's nothing we can do, that's for sure.

But we can pray. And I don't mean those brief prayers that open meetings or topen our day, I mean pray every minute pf everu dau wjemever tjere s a breal om pir [repcci[atopms sp tjat we cam tirm pir ,omds tp Gpd/ O ,eam [rauomg fpr jpirs pm emd wjeemever [pssob;e/ Pr fofteem ,omites of tjat s a;; upi cam jamd;e/

We need to stop depending so much on ourseloves and our own understanding and lean on Him for everything. Ask Ask Ask and you shall receive. If we are asking for His guidance and His wisdom He will always answer that kind of prayer. If we ask for personal ability to fulfill His commandments He'll give tht to us. Wherever we see a weakness in ourselves, a weak faith, a lukewarm commitment to Him, a lack of understanding or appreciation of our position as His people, all that we can ask for and expect to receive. And that's what we need. Less of ourselves and more more more of Him at every moment. That's what prayer can do. Prayer is our conduit to Him. Prayer and Bible reading through the Holy Spirit will help us deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Him and that's what we need to do.

Simplify. Simplify what we do with our time. Simplify what we eat and how much we eat. Fast howeeer we can. Ask him for help with that too. We don't need to focus particularly on specific world events as much as we need to focus on drawing the spiritual power we need from Him as the branches we are attached to Him as the vine. It all has to come from Him. The less we rely on ourselves and look to Him for AEVERYTHING, every bit of understanding of everything, the better.

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