Friday, June 10, 2022

Cheeky Crazy Lady Cretionist even argues with Other Creationists

Been watching some videos of Kurt Wise teaching on various aspects of the Flood. Just saw the one about sedimentology. Can’t copy the URL right now, maybe later. Lots of eye problems at the moment.

Wise thinks it was high velocity deposition that smoothed the top of the Great Unconformity. He also thinks that volcanism was going on during the Flood. He also thinks only the middle section of the strata wree laid down in the Flood, that beneath the Great Unconformity the rocks were pre-Flood, and at the top some rocks are post-Flood but I’m not sure where that section starts.

So far I haven’t heard him talk about exactly when he thinks’the Flood strata were deposited, that is, how long before the Flood started draining were they all in place.

I don’t understand how there could be pre and post Flood strata that look exactly the same in structure as the Flood strata, wree not laid down in the Flood. It just makes no sense to me. ALL of them had to be Flood deposites or none of them.

The high velocity deposition over the Great Unconformity is a very reasonable way to explain the flattening of the unconformity a as well as the erosion at that contact. It also explains the transport of the chunks of Quartite, one of which I mention in what I’ve already written. But I still like my scenario better. For one thing the Great Unconformity does stretch across the world, it’s not just confimed to the Grand Canyon area, as he points out, it’s even what underlies Siccar Point as I understand it though I may have that wrong. But then it has the tilted strata in place already before the high velocity deposition rushes in and lays down the strata above. Also, since that high velocity deposition lays down a sequen ce of very coarse to very fine cobbles and grains, I don’t see where that sequence is represented in the Grand Canyon. The sedimentary rock just above the Greqat Unconformity is the Tapeats sandstone, not a very coarse deposite. I must be missing something but I don’t know what. The quartzite boulders are found embedded in that sandstone.

Also I haven’t yet heard him discuss how the Great Unconformity got tilted etiehr, or how the igneous rocks got confined under the Tapeats layer. In my scenario the force that broke off the quartzitge, and in fact created it in the first place, was the tectonic movement that occurred worldwide and split the continents.. That’s what created the Great Unconformity and may have caused all the angular unconformities everywhere, not sure about that, but certqainly beneath the Grand Canyon. ,br>
He also hasn’t explained why he thinks there was volcanie activity during the Flood. This is where it matters when the strata were laid down, because4 on that cross section I’m so fond of we see a magma dike penetrating from the bottommost part of the area to the uppermost exposed part of the Grand Staircase. If it had occurred during the Flood, while the strata were being laid down, not yet all in place, the lava would have spilled out onto the durface of a layer somjewhere in the middle part of the column and would not have continued above that, or if it did we’d see some sort of displacement or distortion of the dike and at least on this cross section there isn’t any, it rises in one continuous movement from bottom to top. Also,br>
I suppose a high velocity flow could carry a great load of sediment up and over that rise into which the canyon is cut, but it just looks too evenly distributed for what I’d expose of that kind of movement. Surely some would collect at the start of the rise, create a different thickness, something like that. Of course we’re talking about a mere diagram but still that’s the sort of thing you’d expect to be illustrated. So I still like my scenario best:

The cross section makes clear what you can also see just looking into the Grand Canyon: the strata that are considered to represent time periods of tends of millions of years don’t show any of the disturbance one would expect to see on the surface of the Earth for any appreciably period of time let alone tens of millions of years. All the disturbance ot the column occurs after all the strata are in place. The only actual time period to be seen on the cross section or in rality is our own time period in which the Grand Canyon itself exists. There is no Grand Canyonj or even a convincing gully in any of the layers of rock that supposedly represwent millions of years of time. We have the canyons, the mountains, the rivers and so on, not one of the “time periods” shows any such disturbance. Again, ALL the disturbance to the column of strata occurs to the whole column as a unit, whether it is twisted into a pretzel, or split into an angular unconformity or broken into chunks or whatever. I’ve collected lots of evidence of this.

The Great Imcpmfpr,out jad tp jave beem fpr,ed after the F;ppd tpp. Mpt befpre as the estab;osjed theory has it. Whatever forces were involved in the Flood also split the contineents, causing the Great Unconfmiryt, pushin up land, pushing up the Rockies and the Alps and the Himalyas, and mopst likely triggering the volcanoes. The draining of the Flood which would have accompanied this tectonic movement is what eroded away the cliffs of the Grand Staircase shown in the cross section. Etc. etc. etc

And although the work being done by the scientific creationists such as Wise and Austin and all the others no dou t also proves the Flood, it seems to me that my simple scenario makes the case a lot more directly and comprehensibly. Once you see those simply cannot be time periods, that the only time period is our own, then what area they? Sedimentary depositions full of dead things. Waterborne deposits. Noah’s Flood. When ,br>
look into the Grand Canyon we are not looking at hundreds of millions of years of time, we are looking at part of the worldwide graveyard of the Flood of Noah.

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