Thursday, June 23, 2022

A Couple More Objections to the Flood Given by Montgomery

The evaporation and rapid exit from the planet of so much heated water would also have brought on the ice age. the many huge lakes dammed up by glaciers that then broke later, such as the Missoula and others in the US and one Montgomery mentions in Tibet, would have been water left standing after the Flood. The channeled scablands of eastern Wasthington are the dramatic result of the Missoula flood. Geology according to Montgomery uses some of these events as explanation for all the Flood myuths around the world, but of course they are ridiculously inadequate. The Bibleical Flood was worldwide.

Another objection to the Flood he mentions is Da Vinci's idea that if the globe was completely covered with water it would t still water that wouldn't have done all the things ascribed to it. But doesn't that itnore the moon which causes tides and therefore would keep the water moving? Also, it would have been while the water was rising over the land, especially condsidering the enormous tides that would have been part of that, that would account for changes in the landscape, also the action of the drainaing Flood water whichI think carved out the Grand Canyon and the Grand Staircase. Again google Grand Staircase Escalante Cross Section.

The third objectgion Montgomery mentions is the extinction of some 99 percent of the animals in the fossil record. I don't know enough about what animals are involved, but first of all sea life wouldn't have been on the ark and at least the trilobites are mong the exinct and they are sea life. The other condsideration is that what are called "species" are not at all a clear category andmost of that 99 percent are probably variations built into the genome of Kinde. The extinction of a variation is not the same thing as the extinction of a species. It's like losing great danes but having all the other breeds alive. I'm guessing that most of thoxse extinctions are of variations so that the genome of their Kind contined to live and vary after the Flood.

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