Thursday, May 5, 2022

Abortion Ponderings

Since abortion is in the news right now, because of the leak of a potential ruling by the Supreme Court thqat would throw Roe v Wadd to the states, some of the usual opinions are heard here and there. One is that it's hypocritical to be pro life and yet support the death penalty. I always feel obliged to answer this one because it's so wrongheaded. There is nothing contradictory about the concern to defend INNOCESNT life while at the same time believing that the criminally guilty should be punishable by death. Capital crimes are capital crimes, that's what the death panalty is for. The only rational argument against the death p3enalty is the unfortunate fact that too many innocent people are wrongly convicted of capital crimes. I condsier that to be a reasonble argument against the death penalty in such a judicial system, but as a principle, no, there are cro,es tjat deserve deatj/ Ommpcemt imbprm baboes dp mpt deserve death.

On the dark horse podcast another question came up today: the sirtuation of the rape victim who gets pregnant. Should she be condemned to carry the rapitis's baby to birth? Drat, I meant to see if I could find a statistic on how many rapes issue in prengnancy but I forgot. Anyway I certainly agree that it is a serious burden on the rape victim on top of the rape itself, but if I'm consistent the preservation of an innocent life has to be the first consideration. I do't se any way around this. the only solution I see has to be that special care should be taken for the comfort and support of the woman. The churchews that provide Crisis Pregnancy Centers probably already focus on this special need but if not they should. Perhaps a convicted rapist would work to pay for the care of the woman and child while in prison. There are possible wsays to help mitigate the prolem that hneedf to be thought about.

Bret Weinstein brought of an interesting issue with respect to the rape situation. From his evolutionary point of view he figures that the rapist's gen3es might possible contribute to an increase in the birth of rapists because of hos he thinks of genes as related to behavioral possibilities in the offspring.

I found this interesting because from my Christian point of view behavioral characteristocs are veru ;ole;u tp be omjerotecdd becaise
tje soms pf tje fatjers
ARE omjeroted/ {rpbab;u mpt tjrpigj tje gemes bit tjrpigj wjatever s[orotia; [atjwau we a;; omjerote tje som pf aAdam as well as the soms pf tje fatjers om pir pwm [erspa; amcestru/ bit we a;; omjerot everulomd pf som frp, pir amcestprs becaise we are a fa;;em race amd tjere os mp argi,emt O cam fomd om amu pf tjos tp lo;; a babu becaise ot ,ogjt omjerot tje [rp[emsotu pf a ra[ost fatjer/ Raose tje babu as a Cjrostoam . get ot saved. tirm ot awau frp, sicj somfik; ex[ressopms/ Ot os foftu [ercemt ;ole;u tp be a gor; amuwau/

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