Saturday, April 23, 2022

Yes I'm finally giving up on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Eschatology

When I accepted the Pre-tribulation Rapture end-times explanation a few years ago I certainly didn't expect I'd be changing my mind about it, but that's what's happening now. I just have too many questions about it. I don't like any of the other systems any better, however, they all raise questions. Amillennialism also requires the spiritualizing of events that are described in remarkably literal terms and that has always made that system completely unacceptable to me. As for preterism I do think there are events the Pre-trib system makes future that are in fact past, but in themselves they don't undermine the general outline of the Pre-Trib system.

What still supports that system to my mind are the unfulfilled prophecies that need a literal fulfillment, such as the Seventieth Week of Daniel. Such as the Day of the LORD. Such as the great tribulation that Jesus prophesied. And a literal three-andp0 a half year period of the reign of Antichrist. I can't spiritualiz3e any of that away. The terms they are described in are too emphatically literal, and that fits the Pre-Trib system better than ano other.

But what calls the Pre-Tribe system into doubt is the doubling and even tripling of some events, that somehow never gets noted by its supported. Two maybe even three resurrections? Two bodies of sainbts? A group of martyrs expecting to be joined by another group while presumably all the martyres of the last two thousand years have already been raptured? That one continues to defy any kind of resolution I can come up with. Because the martyrs are clearly described in Revelation Six as a spec8ial group apart from the rest of the believers. Yet millions of martyrs must have been included inthe Rapture. It just makes NO sense.

So. I simply have no clear eschatology right now.

And I continue to be bothered by the fact that scripture that clearly refers to the Roman Catholic Churchwhen it first came into being in the seventh century are absorbed into the futurist There's a lot more ininvolved in this but my computer needs help whcih I can't get it yet so I can't write a longer post.interpretation.

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