Monday, April 4, 2022

Sam Harris, Another One Who Makes It All Up

Oh good grief. I just heard a Glenn Loury show with Sam Harris and at the very end they got into the question of God and religion and Harris, being a famous anti-religionist, gave his remarkably ignorant take on the subject. I don't think I've heard him before, but from what I know of his reputation I would have expected something more knowledgeable from him.

He starts off objecting to religions of a personal God which he seems to think are multiple although the only one I know of is Christianity. Muslims don't have a personal relationship with Allah. Harris speaks of "books" that represent the religions, that claim to be the word of the Creator God, and that claim to be the truth, condemning believers in other religions to Hell. Huhn? I don't think the books of Buddhism or Hinduism or Lao Tse or Confucius could be described in such terms at all. What books is he talking about? Buddhism doesn't even believe in God, and the God of Hinduism is distant and not personal. They have millions of little gods but I don't think any of them are personal either. So what is he talking about? Obviously he's just making it all up, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

He says "we know too much" about how we got these bos to believe the claims of inerrancy. What he's doing is projecting Christian doctrine onto all the other religions. Only Christianity claims its book, the Bible, is the Word of God and is inerrant. Kind of after the fact Islam bestows that concept on the Koran too but it's not intrinsic to the Koran as the divine claim is to the Bible. Also the idea tof a personal relationship with God is Chan and doesn't exist in other religions. Judaism would come closest and they are a gion of the Bible after all, but although ey should have a personal relationship with God it doesn't seem to be the same thing as it is for Christians.

As for sneding people to Hell who foloow other religions he must also be taking that from Cht it's a distorted idea in any caseCteaches that the whole human race is fallen, which means sinners, which means i of God's Law, and that's what sends people to Hell. It has nothing to do with their religion.

My conputer is acting up. I have to stop.

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