Friday, April 29, 2022

End Times According to the Pre=Tribbists, And My Usual Reservations

Jan Markell's Understanding the Times radio is heavy on the Pre-Trib Rapture scenario this week and I'm going to post it although I have personally pulled back from it. this program shows some opponents of the view who are awfully condemnatory against it, and I'm certainly not with them. I just keep having problems putting the scriptural sources together to build up that scenario that they are so sure about. And I object to their own characterizations of everybody who raises questions about the scenario as having some kind of nefarious motives or mental incompetence or whatever. I think there are genuinely legitimate questions BASED ON SCRIPTURE that make the Pre-Trib system shaky. I've spelled out a lot of my questions in previous posts and won't repeat them here. I still think there are valid elements in the Pre=Trib view, I just don't think it holds up as one coherent story line so I'm expecting some rearranging of parts and reinterpratations of some of the scriptural sources to characterize the final reality. Meanwhile I'm dedicated to an intense spiritual renewal on a personal level and the possibility of a revival to deal with theis corrupted world, and if the Rapture intervenes, graet, if not such a strengthening is desperately needed by both me and the Church.

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