Monday, March 14, 2022

The Fear of the Lord Teaches the Wisdom of Preserving Life and Health By Avoiding Sin

God's Law is one of my revolving topics these days and although I haven't been researching itrelated conceptsw have been turning up here and there, mostly in sermons I'm listening to. I listen to sermons because I want to be inspired and strengthened in my faith. Ideally I'd like to find a sermon or maybe a new preacher I'm not familiar with who teaches in a way that takes me deep into a devotional state of mind. Spurgeon does that at times. But then I often find myself objecting to this or that comment the teacher makes and that's very disappointing. I don't want to be in the position of finding fault with a teacher I appreciate and when it happens I want it to go qaway. But sometimes it raises anissue I've been thinking about anyway and then I have to follow it out and that's happened a few times lately with issues related to the topic of God's Law.

These are my favorite teachers I'm talking about, teachers I love, teachers who do inspire and educate me. I hate disagreeing with them. Who do I think I am? I can hope I'm wrong, but meanwhile I have to pursue this thought that got raised.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," or sometimes it reads "knowlege" instead of "wisdom" I'd pretty much orked out what that meant, or so I thought. Fearing the Lord means fearing the consequences o violating His commendments, His Law. the wages of sin is death. Although Christians are under grace and saved for et unbelievreermninity, in this life we are told we are just as subject to the consequencesw of sin as any unbeliever. The unbeliever has Hell to fear and we don't but we do have temporal consequences of sin which can be pretty painfujl.

That's how I think about fear of the LOrd, an it's hard to think of it any other way. But then I heard a teacher say it really means worship. It does? And another teacher said the book of Proverbs, which is all about the fear of the Lord, the consequencea of sin and the wisdom of obedience, is not about Law. It's not? These are bot5h teachers I love.

Isn't the message of fearing the Lord that if we do fear Him we will avoid committing the sins that bring painful consequences and pursue a path that leads to life and health? Is't that what the book of Provervs says oer and over again? Do this and and life. And isn't that the same the Mosaic Law says? Do this and live.
\THIS ISN'T lAW IN THE HUMAN WORLDLY SENSE. tHIS IS lAW ON THE LEVEL OF lAW, EMBEDDED IN THE STUFF OF THE UNIVERSE, INEXORABVL, INERADICABLE, INESCAPABLE. (this was not supposed to be capitalizI hit something I swhouldn'te and now it's too big a project to undo it, sorry.)

I got on this topic when it hit me that the "knowledge" of Hosea 4 is this same kind of knowledge, whthat, or god says that His people are destroyed for edge. Sin destroys. All sort of things may be instruments of uction but it's sin that is the reason for all destruction. If we were sinless we coudln't be hurt by anything. Jes couldn't die because He w. that's why He was able to die fo, in our place. And why do we need saving?: Beause of the Law. It's all aboutut the Law. We always at odds witht e Lw which condemns us and condemns us and condemns us. ,br>
Am I wrong about this? I keep thinking thta oen't under the Law if we belong to Jesus, but nevertheless the Law is holy and s prepecutally and exactly ahout pause. I thnink we often slighbecause we . No, I don't hink it is legtreat it with respect.

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