Saturday, March 19, 2022

Remembering the Bomb Years Part 2 Video of veterans used as guinea pigs

Just heraing bits and pieces of what happened during the bomb test years, to people and even animals who were downwind from the explosions, and there wree hundreds of them detonated above ground before they realized it might be safter to do it underground, mak4es me wonder what ort of government we have after all. It's one thing to know about our wonderful Consti5tution and so on, but that has no power to stop fallen human nature from doing some pretty dastardly things.

I mentioned before that I grew up in Nevada in those years, was taken with my fourth grade class out to the edge of town where we could watch one of the bomb tests, and I spent a lot of my childhood worried about being surrounded by radioactive particles in the air and that sort of thing. It seemed after all that we all survived it just fine, but in recent years I've been reviwing some rther severe sicknesses I went thought and one of my b5rothers too and thinking maybe we should have atgtribted them to the bomg tests. We didn't, we assumed they were just normal sigknesses. I don't think so any more.

Anyway, here's a video of some veterans who were used as guinea pigs during a test shot, placed in a trench about a mile from Ground Zero. ythey were forgidden to spoeak about their exper4iences for sixty years so this is the breaking of their silence. They seem more struck speechless at the memory than anything else. Fourteen thousand men were put through that experience. Amazing what they did to us. >br? >br?

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