Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Another Deception from the Fertile Minds of OUr Demonic Deceivers: "Negative Spirits"

Heard Coast-to-Coast radio again last night. Sigh. Sometimnes I think they must be trying answer my blogs about them. Guess that's qa pretty megalomaniacal thought but it's interesting how the topics they air lately seem related. Anyway, last night's guest was someone who works with demons ahnd "netive spirits" to help people protect themselves from them.

He believes that negative spirits abount "out there" in the universe and that they are the souls of dead human beings. He thinks demons are not so numerous. Asked if he thinks demons are fallen angels he said yes but he doesn't seem to have much of an idea what a fallen angel is. It's the usual situation we're in these days in which few understand that this is a fallen world, that we are fallen human beings, and that fallenness is the condition of being a sinner againt the Creator God and His Moral Law.

A third of all the angels fell when Satan rebelled against God, taking that many of the angels with him. that many angelss are thought to amount to billions. I don't know how it is calculated but that's the idea I usually hear. That's not the few the radio show guest has in mind. Surely what he is calling negative spirits that are really dead human beings are also demons, up to their usual masquerate as human beings. Sometimes they haunt houses, sometimes they show up in seances etc. AThis radio show guest believes they are human beings who exert a lot of "negative energy" or anger, against living people and he considers it his job to help people get free of their influence.
He says he believe in God, as so many do who certainly do not have the God of the Bible in mind bu5t rather a god of their own imagination. He says it helps people to protect themselves from these neatie spirits and from the demons to have a religion and use the energy of their rightoues teacherrs to help protect them or something like that. So much for the all-powerful Jesus Christ who alone has power over the demons.
A biblical view of what happens to people when they die does not have them roaming freelly around the universwe or hanging out in houses or cemeteries or whatnot, or coming back to communicate with loved ones they preceded into death. If the story Jesus told of the rich man and the poor man Lazarus can be taken as a model, there are two places people go after death, to Hell or to Paradise, in that teaching known as "Abraham's bosom" for the Jewish poor man Lazarus. The rich man is depicted as suffering the flames of Hell. The one exception in scripture is the appareance of the prophet Samuel to King Saul which Saul had request of the Witch of Endor. The real Samuel appeared to Saul in that case to rebuke him for calling him from his rest. THAT WAS A SPECIAL EVENT ORDAINED by God, not to be taken as typical. What mediums normally cal up is demonic impersonaltions.

So this man who claims to be psychic and deals with demonic spirits though he thinks mostg of them are departed human beins, is deceived about this spirit world he is dabbling in as they all are. A man called into the show though who claimed to be a Christian and praised the man as having his psychic gift from the Holy Spirit to serve humanity, an astonishing claim. How on earth did he maintain such an idea in the context of a church which he said he belonged to? Was the church totally apostate or was he a rebel against its teachings, in which case they should have excommunicated him. You can't have the Holy Spirit unless you are a born again believer in Jesus Christ.

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