Friday, February 25, 2022

Oh That the Left Would Wake Up toWhat's Really Going on. Such as What Jan Markell is talking about This Week.

The most frustrating thing that is going on today is the inability to convey the truth about what is going on to the huge number of people who confine themselves to the "mainstream" mediaand hold the liberal point of view. They shut down all avenues of communication on the imnportant topics, thinking perhaps that it's just the civilized thing to do or something like that, while the effect is that they've sealed themselves off from ever knowing the truth about what is going on in the world. And they need to know it, we all need to knjow it.

Most of what I post here is an attempt to get across what we all need to know right now ut I'm only too aware that the people who need most to know it never see anyh of these things and rebugg efforts to show it to them. There are also the active propagandists who do see them and twist them to demonize them and turn people against the truth.

Jan Markell's latest radio show is one of her best though she's had quite a few good ones lately. In this one she interviews Curtis Bowers who made the filoms Agenda 1 and 2 about the Communist agenda to take over America. Looks like they've succeeded . He and Jan discuss the global totalitarianism that's closing in on us these days. Although this show was just posted at her website she doesn't mention that the truckers have already begun their convoy across America as of Wednesday, talking about it as if it's still in the planning stages. She doesn't mention Russia's inasion of Ukraine, she doesn't mention the court filing by DUrham either. Nevertheless what she has to say about the global threat of total control of us all mostly through the pandemic is highly relevant.

Toward the end of her show she airs a slip of a holocaust survivor who is in her nineties, delivering her warning that we are now a political situation very much like Nazi Germany in the thirties before the active murder of the the jews, the early stages in which the method was propaganda to demonize them and turn others against them. That is what is going on now as the unvaccinated are being demoni9ized, the truckers convoys are being demonized, conservatives in general are beintg denomized, anyone who objects to the totalitarian controls being imnposed onj us is demonized. We've been called racists and white supremacists, we're called terrorists and enemies of the state, we're called a threat to the rest of the citizenry. All the same things they did to the Jews. And the medical context is being used abgainst us just as it was against the Jews.

As with so much of what I post here I wish this radio sxhow could get out to the entire country and the rest of the world. Some wouldhn't be changed by it but surely many would. Even leftists are waking up these days to what is going on. The Walkaway movement is one example of that, and I've posted on that from time ot tike. Jan airs a segment of Naomi Wolf who si a leftist nevertheless warning about how what is happening to us here is the same thing that happened under Nazim.

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