Sunday, February 13, 2022

Hodge Podge post. Prime numbers, Liberalism and its self delusions. Among other things.

I donh't want to make a full post out of this, it's more of a whimsy than anything else, so I'm going to start out this post with a brief reflection on Prime Numbers. I really don't know what people find interesting about primne numbers but aapparently there are people who do. Nerdy match types must. And for all I kbnow I don't even rally appreciate the concept and will just say something foolish about it anyway. But here's my whimsical pondering.

There's probably a nice orderliness to the concept that I'll never grasp and maybe that's what the nerdy types appreciate. I merely thought about it far enough to ralize that it's easy to eliminate some numbers as prime numbers which ought to make it easier than some seem to think to identify the prime numbers. That is:

ALL NUMBERS that end in five are NOT prime numbers. They can all be divided by five. ALL NUMBERS that end in an even number, that is, 2 4, 6, 8, o4 0, are not prime numbers because all of them can be divided at least by 2. The remaining numbers are the four odd numbers 1, 3, 7 and 9. Some numbers that end in these are prime, some are not. 21 is divisible by 3 and 7 so it's not prime. 81 is divisible by 3, 7 and 9 so it's not prime, bu all the other numbers between one and a humber that end it 1 are prime numbers.

I'suspect if you fool around with these things enough you'll start to see some interesting patterns but althjough in certain moods I do such things I don't think I will with this one. I've alwasys considered myself to be a math dunce anyway, but maybe I was just not taught right. But I do like finding patterns and solving some kinds of logic puzzles. Anyway, people who are trying to figure out what's a prime number and what isn't may find this little pondering useful. Or not.

that alsmost was a whole post. Hm. OK, so here's another little conundrum I've been pondering.

Since some people have been getting COVID twice I've heard some say that even natural immunity isn't protective against it, which we thought it was. But what they are talking about is those who are vaccinated and get COVID twice. I haven't heard anyone who is unvaccinated getting it twice, and if that's happened then what I'm thinking here is wrong. The point is that being vaccinated itself is in some sense WHY you get COVID twice. From "shedding" or from being the host of a mutant just because you have the genetic stuff in you that can mutate? I'm not sure how this works but if it's OBNLY the vaccinated who are getting COVID more than once it seems to be about being vaccinated. They don't get natural immunity from having the virus because of something having to do with their being vaccinated. BUT this may not be true of the unvaccinated who should have natural immunity from having the virus. At least this should bew a question. It's not that natural immunity isn't a protection, it's that the vaccinated are somehow prevented from reaching natural immunity.

Well, here's another then. Some liberals think that the ACLU used to be a necessary and useful organization. Well, the3y did take cases from both sides of the aislle. Clever of them. Great camouflage. But as I recall the ACLU was a Commujist front from the beginning. Yeah I'll have to review it all to rmind myself about it, sorry. Liberals also have some fu y ideas about what liberalism has done for the country. Even attributing the founding documents to liberalism. Well in a sense I guess you could say that but it does ten to muddy up the meaning of the word and certainly makes it hard to make sense of why liberalism is such an antiAmerican position these days. Maybe you have to put it together with Democratic Party, undemocratic to be sure but oh well. Then maybe you can see that it was the Democrats/Liberals who opposed the civil rights such starry eyed liberals impute to them. It was ofcourse the Democrats who flew the Confederate flag too, and the Republicans who chamo]pioined abolition and emancipation of slaves. Liberals of today's stripe were the leaders of the French Revolution and certainly had nothing to do with the American Revolution.
And such starry eyed types never ever get it right about conservatives either.; Like the word "progressive" they get hung up on the literal meaning of the word and put their own content to it. THERE'S NOTHING PROGRESSIVE ABOUT THE pROGRESSIVES. tHE WORD WAS INVENTED BY cOMMUNISTS TO COVER UP THE FACT THAT THEY are communists. Back in the early part of thee last century. I think it was probably David Horoqitze who clued me in on that fact. The onjly "progress" that's been made by that side of the politi8cal divide is progressive destruction of our Constititioual Republic.

There's a LOT to say about all that, sorry to have to leave it midthought but I'm getting tired writing this and have to stop for now. If I let it sit I'll hneer get back to it. Maybe i can say more in another post.
Oh phooe

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