Friday, February 25, 2022

Anything to twist whatever Trump says. Anything. Amazing.

jjjjjMonday. UPDATE: A couple of days after a "friend" of minne didn't want to talk to me because Trump supposedly did this horrible thing of calling Putin a genius, after trying to be polite and tolerant and friendly and all that I'm now absolutely disgusted that anyone would have such a rectoin to Trumpo. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the leftist insanity, and that's what it is, insanity. Still, I think they are deceived by the media propaganda for the most part and I wish I had a way to get that across to them.

I remembered a Bible passage that describes these people who are always finding something wrong in what Tr4ump says:

Isaiah 29:20 …those that watch for iniquity … 21 That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.

Watchers for iniquity. Self-righteous evil people. Trump gave a good speech at the weekend's CPAC converence. His enemeis are foul liars. /UPDATE

I don't kbnow whether to laugh or cry. I've done both. Supposedly trump was praising Putin as a genius for the excuse he gave for invading Ukraine and golly gosh the Left is going to insist on that.

> Mbr<'Mbr< UPDATE: So many people seem to think Trump really did mean to say Putin is a genius I guess I have to take ack what I say below. But no way would Trump be regardijg Putin as anything but an enemy, and that's the basic disagreement. His businessman's mindset seems to require hi mjto say nice things about his enemies, and maybe he even believes them, but he's never treated them as anythig abut enemies when it comes to policies. So the rest of this post may be wrong, OI don't know, but it remains true that he's no friend of Putin's.

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