Sunday, January 23, 2022

Spurgeon the Christ-Bearer

Spurgeon has lately become for me a deep well of wisdom and comfort through many of his sermons that are online and read by a surprisingly congenial voice. Some preachers open the scriptures to the hungry soul, but Spurgeon, I hope I'm not just using hyperbole, brings Christ Himself to the the hungry soul. His words carry Christ. If you are open to receiving Him. I'm discovering this with every session of listening.

God told Abraham, "I am thy exceeding great reward." Not just salvation, not temporal blessings, but God Himself is our exceeding great reward. One of Spurgeon's themes is passages from the Song of Solomon, and Spurgeon himself conveys Christ in such a way as to make the hearer say with the Shulamite, "I am sick with love" -- that is powerful preaching.

As the deer panteth for the water brooks, so pants my soul after Thee. It is a rare preacher who can convey God at that level. He was immersed in God.

The world is disintegrating before our eyes. I want to be a force for good in it. That can only come from God. People have some good ideas but in the end the only power that could accomplish anything of value comes from God.

Footnote: Yes in a sense there is no distinction to be made between scripture which is Christi's words and Christ Himself but I'm trying to say something about how Spurgeon's preaching has a way of bringing a sense of the presence of Christ Himself in his preaching while other preachers may bring a deep understanding of doctrine and that's hugely important and it's Christ in a different way. It's hard to get this said right. I feel I touch the Spirit through Spurgeon in a way I don't always with other preachers, even the best preachers. He restoreth my soul.

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