Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Well, he got ME praying more.

UPDATe: I listened to this post with the "read aloud" function so I know there are some horrific typos in it but my eyes are too bad right now to do anything aout it. Sorry. I hope I may be able to fix it later.

I want to add here though thtat I've been praying all day whenever I've had a free moment and and SO grateful for this inspiration that came from Stev3en Lee's talk < Thinbgs are so bad in this country it's not possible to run out of things to pray about but mostly I've been praying that God would inspire more of us to pray, that He would bring about the prayer meetings Lee calls for in his talk, or that individuals would be inspired to pray on their own. Less tgave the examples of Jacob wresting with the angel and Hannah who prayed alone although corporate prayer is the ideal.

O rend the heavens and come down to Your people, Lord, set us on fire of the Holy Spirit, guide us to praya as we should.

Yes, I strongly believe we need to return to the head covering bu5t again, I don't want to detract from the call to prayer. I've prayed without the head covering and received answers. I even prayed years ago with a prayer partner for revival and we received wonderful experiences of the presence of the Holy Spirit. I hadn't yet given any thought to the passage about the head covering so I'm sure neither of us had anythihng on our heads. We were praying over the phone every morning for months. Then she moved out of town and I lost touch with her. we didn't really know each other, weren't friends, we'd met in the church library over the book about Revival and agreed to pray together. It was a nice time of prayer but it didn't bring revival or even inspire others to join us.

After writing my last post I've been praying more myself. Yes with tears. As Lee's talk emphasizes, we need to be praying with desperation, and the times we are living in certainly are desperate. SWe feel it so why don't we pray it?

"Why isn't there overwhelming prayer in the face of this pandemic?:" Pme pf tje c;o[s [;aued bu Stevem :ee at tje emd pf jos ta;l was am Aistra;oam wjp asled tjat qiestopj/ Ot dpes see, tp be trie tjat we jave mpt ressponjed with prayer as we should have, as the dire circumstances we are living through call for. Why indeed?

tHAT WAS OF COURSE THE THEME OF lEE'S TALK. We need to be praying, why aren't we? Why on earth would we look to political solutions when what we need is God's power? Why on earth would we be spending so much time on biblical prophecy of the coming destruction of the planet when we should be praying our hearts out for God's intervention. Perhaps we've fallen into a fatalistic state of mind?

I'm very grateful for Steven Lee's talk, I think I will be praying a lot more as a result. I've also resumed covering me head though, which I don't always do when I'm alone. I think I should so I'm doing it again.

I want revival. I want God to come upon His people inj ppower as He has done in past revivals. those revivals are enormously inspiring to read about, but I want to HAVE a revival, I don't want to read about revivals any more. I am no longer going to listen to the naysayers who are sure it's all over, no more revivals, all we have to look forward to is God's judgments. It may be so but we don't know that for sure. Not yet. Lee is right. The churches need to to be praying their hearts out now,k they need to be organizing into prayer groups.

Yes I still think women need to be covering our heads in prayer. I hope God will convict us of that and whatever else He wants us to be doing to bring Him closer to us.

GHelp, Lord. t

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