Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veterans Day/Remembrance Day, a Day of Forboding This Year.

Veterans' Day in the US, Rememvbrance Day in Canada. The Canadian couple the Lechmans who moved to Mexico at the first of this yeare and provide welcoming videos about the country to other potential escapees, have a nice video on what this day is all about:

They've tied it into our current political scene which certainly does look like history repeating itself. It's particularly diabolical this time around because the perpetrators identify themselves with the victims of the previous world tyrants and are calling their oppoents the tyrants, the Nazis, the ascists, white supermacists and the like without one shred of justification. THEY are the tyrants, they are the fascists, the Marxists, the Inuisitors if you will.

I've seen quite a few videos at You Tube recently, about the Nazi era, and I keep thinking how something just as diabolical is shaping up today. And diabolical is certainly the word for it. the mentality is satanic, demonic, beyond anything you can think of as human despite our fallen human nature and the fallenness of this world. The coldblooded inhumanity of everything they touched comes through these stories. The taking of orphaned Polish children to be raised as Germans if they fit their idea of the Aryan race, people who are now about my age and trying to recover some shreds of information about their Polish families. The Nazis erased it all only too effectively. Then I saw another one about the death camp, the Sonderkommandos who were healthy young Jewish people who were chosen to dispose of the corpses of the Jewish people who had been exterminated in the gas chambers. They drag them out of the gas chamber and put them into the crematoria. Sometimes they recognized a family member. among the dead . The horror of it all is beyond anything we can fit into our soft lives as Americans or westerners in general. Diabolical absolutely.

"Never again" was the slogan that emerged after World War II asw the cry against the Holocaust, but here we are only a little over seventy=five years from the end of that war and the same forces are shaping up on a global scale.

It's the lies, the propaganda, that is particularly reminiscent of the earlier totalitarian movements. If you call your chosen victims by names that brand them as villains, or as something unhuman, as unworthy of living, you can influence great numbers of people against them. That's of course what happened to the Jews under Hitler but although Histler is always the emblem of such tyrannies, there were many others in the last century. The Communists branded the "bourgeoisie" or small business owners, and the aristocracy as the villains unworthy of life. In Rwanda the Hutus were propagandized into hating the Tutsis by a propaganda campaign that branded them as "cockroaches." ducing human beings to vermin seems to be the formula. Various brandings are at work today in the West: White supermacists is one of them, even just rejecting the vaccination makes you a villain class, sometimes just being a political conservative. You know, the "deplorables" and all that. Being a Trump supporter brands you for sure.

That is all coming from the Leftist Marxist ideology and its Critical Race Theory, and it promotes violence through elements in the Marxist organization Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Antifa is or course an example of how they identify themselve sas warriors against the evil fascists although all the fascistic thinking and the violence is coming from them against their chosen villains, the peaceloving freedomloving ordinary citizens, most of whom are conservatives.

It doesn't matter what the current stories in the news are, they are always bheing cast in these divisive terms with the Marxists loudly vilifying the conservaives. Even the trial of Kyle Riteenhouse is really just a political mockery of a trial. The evidence was apparent before the trial that he acted in self defense, but the forces that dientify with the rioters he was opposing are doing their best to make a viollain out of him.

Since opposing voices are silenced in so many ways, on social medial, in the "mainstream" news, huge numbers of people are being propagandzed into hating their political oppoents because that's all they hear. It's a potent method. The devil knows exactly what he's doing.

Yes it's Marxistm, it's fascism calling itself antifascism, it's all manner of po.litical totalitarianisms, but there is always this one player behind them all that keeps a low profile and even manages to emerge as a peacekeeper. Talk about diaboligical. Yes I'm talking about the Roman Church, the papacy and the Jesuits. TI posted a long list of books about them at my Roman Catholicism blog, and there are many more, just about all of them going back over a century before they succeeded in revising history. There have always been bloody wars but not until the Inquisition were a particular class, or classes, of people turned into a victim class and hunted down by the totalitarians. I'd be surprised to find out I'm wrong about this. The INquisition stands in my mind as the template for the Holocaust -- because Histler himself identified it as his model for one thing -- and all the other movements that pit one class of people against another. Marxism put it into pretty stark teminology: they divide people into Oppressor and Oppressed and it's the Oppressed who kill the Oppressors. You've got to notice how they languague reverses the truth.

So it's good to remember those who gave their lives in defense of the freedoms that are periodically threatened in this world. That's what this day is all about and I've heard a number of remembrances on the radio.

But this one is likely to be the last one, if we are in the Last Days as manyh of us think we arell. This totalitarian movement will likely be the shape of the Great Tr4ibulation, that last seven years beofre Jesus returns.

It's closing in, Plan accordingly. Pray. give yourself to Jesus Christ.

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