Sunday, November 7, 2021

A Bit of a Boggle Boogie Around the Vaccines and Related Boggles by My Favorite Liberal Couple

Bret and Heather in their Dark Horse Podast #103 talk exclusively about the vaccination boggle today and although they aren't as focused this time as they often are I kind of enjoyed the tone of this one, a little sillier than usual. There's nothing funny about this stuff but if you can't laugh at it once in a while, maybe you're in danger of giving in to it, so giggle away. Anyway, they go from one obvious denial of problems with the vaccines to another, denials by the powers that be.

They also touch on the hydroxychloroquine boggle from last year which they confess to having overlooked, though they now recognize that it is an effective treatment that was subjected to the same sort of insane propaganda they've watched happening to Ivermectin. They talk about giraffes using a term I've never heard of and couldn't decipher for most of the show because I guess I missed their original statement about it somehow.

Later in the show they talk about giraffes being vaccinated atgainst COVID and dropping dead right afterward, followed by the usual weird denials that vaccination had anything to do with it or even that they were vaccinated at all. Their last story is about a nationally ranked young athlete who is bheing required to be vaccinated or not be able to compete any more.

Happy happy.

Added only five minutes later: OH GOLLY GOSH, IT'S ALREADY "UNAVAILABLE" RIGHT AFTER i POSTED IT. Golly gosh, I wonder why. Well, they are also on Odysee so I'll see if I can grab it from there.

HEY, hit the little arow in the lower right corner and you may get the podcast The first time I tried it the podcast was there, but not the second time so I'm not sure what's going on.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't find this video on Odysee.

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