Friday, September 10, 2021

Why We Are Never Going to Get Back to Normal. God is Against Us.

CHristians should know the US is under God's judgment, and that this is the explanation for our political disaster that has been escalating faster than usual over the last year and a half. I keep coming back to this like a broken record, sorry about that, but if this isn't understood, all the hopes and efforts to reclaim the nation are futile. Even if it is understood they are likely futile.

I'm not giving up on those effortts and not saying I want them given up. We still have to do what we can, but it is depressing to see the usual explanations that leave out this one essential fact. We can certainly point to the Left as the wrecking ball, we can identify the anti-American ideology of Marxism, we can also discern the diaboligical Jesuits at work in the fake news about America, or so I think thanks to Chris Pinto in particular. But all those are "proximate" causes. They couldn't succeed if there weren't moral and spiritual reasons for the nation's destruction propelling it all.

Mark Levin's radio show is getting heavy with patriotic music and themes these days, and I'm afraid it just makes me cringe. This isn't the America those songs celebrate, we are no longer that America. God can't bless THIS America.

I cringed in the same way twenty years ago when "God Bless America" was sung in response to -- and defiance of -- the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pengagon, twenty years ago tomorrow. The response of many Christians made me cringe: "God had nothing to do with it" Ghey said, God doesn't do such things." Whatever happened to Christians' identity as "people of the Book?"
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. [note: "evil" means disaster or destruction}

Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?
Mark Levin's latest book, "American Marxism" is full of good analyses of what we are up against and no doubt excellent recommendations for what we are to do about it. I'm sure they are excellent although I haven't been able to get very far reading the book yet. I hope to eventually, but I'm sure he isn't taking God's judgment against the nation into account and as long as that is ignored not much we can do is going to save America. Cewrtainly in opposing Marxism we'll be at least tacitly supporting elements of God's Law but that isn't the same thing as actively opposing and dismantling what has already been put into law and THAT's the only thing that might get us somewhere.

As usual I'll modify my idea of the finality of our calamity enough to say I don't know that we are actually at the point of maximum offense against God and therefore maximum judmment is all we have to look forward to. I still hope. Of course I don't have a "Word from the Lord" on this, I'm deriving it from the scriptural portrait of the way God works in the world and from our own history, what smatterings of thta history that are all I can claim to have. Just enough to know that we've been violating God's Law with amazing alacrity over the last few decades, and even with an amazing righteous indignation. Yeah the usual case in point abortion. The righteous indignation that wants to kill babies is astonishing when you see it in its proper light. If you understand God's purpose in ordaining marriage the righteous indignation in favor of destroying it to make homosexuals feel normal is also pretty astonishing. There are hundreds of such violations of God's Law in our "justice" system by now, that I just haven't been following enough to describe. But what little of it I do grasp is enough to explain that the reason we are having the problems we're having is that as a nation we've turned against God, -- not just "away from " God but actually against God -- which means He is turning against us. Political mismanagement, economic disaster, tolerated rioting and looting and burning in our cities, extreme weather, and as usual I'm coming short of anything like an adequate list. But you can fill in the blanks.

So how do we turn back God's judgments? Attempts to restore American institutions seem like a good idea if they could succeed, but as long as we've given rights and freedoms to violations of God's Law there's no point in restoring the institutions that uphold rights and freedoms.

In Chris Pinto's latest documentary, The True Christian History of America, he gives prominence to Samuel Adams' remark on signing the Declaration of Independnece, that "Now commences the reign of political Protestantism."

There is good reason to think that is really what the Founding of America was supposed to be, even more teelingly than Franklin's famous "A Republic if you can keep it," but the Protestant vision never caught hold as it should have done, and was soon undermined by hostile forces, so two and a half centuries later here we are with a govvernment that is anything but a reign of political Protestantism. What with the malevolence of the jesuits who worked tirelessly since the Reformation to destroy Protestant nations, and the malevolence of atheists who resent everything of God, and perhaps confusion about exactly what sort of republic we were supposed to be -- Protestant? Shouild have been, not based on the Enlightenment as is usually thougyht -- so keeping it was out of the question from the beginning. Certainly it was biblical Protestantism that made the nation great and prosperous. But restoring it now? Can't do it unless we roll back our national offenses against God's Law. And oh how they scream at the idea we might decide not to kill babies any more.

Weep for America, pray for America. But any real hope of restoring America seems futile.

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