Tuesday, September 7, 2021

No Back to Normal Ever Again

This fallen world is a scary place, and getting scarier. We had some protection at least in America for a long time but that has been undermined to the point that some third world countries actually seem safer. it's all about the power of lies. I keep coming back to that. It seems to be the bottom line. I just posted on the Black Lives Matter lie and the Ivermectin lie. Both are life-or-death matters, both have murder in their heart.

I get asked why I'm so "negative," why I can't just be positive and enjoy life, smell the roses and so on. I think I may spend too much time smelling the roses if you want to know, since the world seems to me to be disintegrating before our eyes. I think of a story that was told on the Dark Horse podcast an episode or two ago now, or I think that's where I heard it, oh yes it was. Elie Wiesel wrote about a town in Poland where the Jews were denying the danger from Nazism even after they had rolled into town and been lodged in local homes. They kept smelling the roses as it were, telling themselves how nice the Germans were really, not like the rumors about their cruel intentions, how a nice German officer even bought his hostess a box of chocolates. Before they were all herded off to concentration camps.

That's how things feel to me now. Fueled by lying propaganda. Which of us will be the first to be herded off we can guess about, but it's not going to be just one category. "Quarantine" camps for some for starters perhaps. That seems to be the agenda of the CDC anyway, according to a document at their site. Forget history and it repeats itself, right? New category of victims, new cover story.

And we don't have an America to escape to, as Yuri Bezmenov, KGB defector put it in the eighties or nineties. He came to the West, many Jews came to the West. There is no longer a West to escape to.

This time around it is bigger than Hitler, it has a global source. That's why the End Times prophecies are so prominent right now. Not prominent enough perhaps since even many churches are ignoring the signs, but the signs are surely there and hard to avoid if you're paying attention instead of burying your face in roses.

The prophet Jeremiah spent a lot of time weeping over the destruction of his nation. When you know your nation is't going to come back to God but keep on coming under more and more destructive judgments you spend a lot of time weeping as it is battered into oblivion. It doesn't help that although unbelievers see it all coming down they have only their physicalistic evolutionistic explanations that accomplish nothing. Golly gosh, religion is just a cultural adaptation don't you know. We just need a rational answer to wrongheaded adaptations or something like that? Whatever, the real answer is never going to occur to them and they'd scoff at it anyway.

I may never again see some people I love because they are planning to leave the country. They don't see a way to fix it. I can't blame them but I worry that they're jumping from frying pan into fire.

I have God though. I have prayer. I'm extremely blessed. Even if they kill me I'm blessed.

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