Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Two from Richard Bennett: Taking Down the Reformation, and E conomics More Destructive than Marxism

Here's Bennett talking about the neverending efforts of the RCC especially through the Jesuits to destroy Protestantism. Ecumenical agreements b4etween Rome and Protestant churches is one way that is happening today.

Worse than Marx: Pope Francis on economics. There's nothing wrong with stealing, that's the basic mesage, no matter that it's one of the Ten Commandments and the thought of what happens when people just take whatever they want from womenever they want is terrifying. Sounds like the Great Reset to me, and I can't remember if Francis is a member of the WEF, but I know he is associated with them. This insane philsophy also goes back to Aquinas, according to Bennett, it's not just Francis or any particular Pope for that matter. He answers the question about Francis starting about 9.

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