Thursday, August 12, 2021

Mike Lindell's Symposium on Election Fraud

UPDATE noon Thursday: The symposium seems to be down, at least I can't find it, and I got an email saying they were attacked. Lindell was personally attacked last night and so was another person involved in the symposium, electronics seized. Guess he was doing too good a job of proving the election was rigged.
Friday: I think it's all there but it's hard to figure out where you are in it. I don't know how much I've missed but I've seen quite a bit.

Been watching Mike Lindell's symposium on voter fraud that began Tuesday night and runs through today. I've missed a lot of it but I suppose it will be repeated, although much of it is over my head technically anyway. He's done a great job, though of pulling together the people who do know what it's all about and I'm impressed with that.
As far as I'm concerned, I saw plenty of evidence of voter fraud last Fall, dozens of people swearing out affidavits to what they witnessed of it. What did the majority of the public get but a flat out lie that this was the most secure election in American history . I guess they don't mind lying to the faces to witnesses and witnesses of witnesses as long as they know they can pull the woool over the eyes of those who listen only to the Leftist medial.
There were also rumors of fraud built into the computers, but that had to wait until now to get some solid verification, and they appear to have it now. What they are saying is pretty clear only I don't know enough to judge it rigtht now. Maybe I'll get a better grip on it later.

Here I'm going to post a link to the symposium starting with Lindell's opening remarks. Hd spends the first twelve minutes talking about two broad categories of information that came to light that made it possible to recognize the fraud, including how it was programmed into the computers. Most of what he says, however, is about voter fraud in six states, lists of dead people who voted, illegal aliens who voted, people who voted more than once, people who voted in more than one state or county and so on. They have this information for Arizona, Michigan, nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia. He makes it clear what Trump was asking of the Governor of Georgia by the wasy, just to give him the fradulent votes from one or two categories, which would have been enough to push him over the top. FEAUDULENT votes, you understand, a couple of categories of people who voted who should't have, only a couple of categories of those which would e more than enough to restore Trump's legal win.

Does the average Democrat really hate Trump enough to support fradulent elections to keep him out of office and ensure that the country is taken over by the Comkmunists? Really? For that matter, even the Google people and the Facebook people and the Twitter people?: Do they really want to see America destroyed?: Do they really want to be ruled by China? Do they really believe what you have to believe to support the Communist revolution that is happening?

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