Thursday, August 26, 2021

Forbidding the Cures for COVID, Silencing the Truth-Tellers, Pushing Good for Evil and Evil for Good

So, lessee, how did they put that? The FDA has not authorized or approved, is that how they said it? Has not authorized or approved the use of Ivermectin for COVID patients. Hm. Something like that. Heard it a few hours ago, then fell asleep, now my eyes are in bad shape so I'm not searching for it, but it was something like that.

Doesn't it kind of give you the chills? It does me. Well, there must be many out there who are so enclosed in their news bugbble they don't know anything about Ivermectin and whatever the FDA says is to be respected in their uneducated opinion. Too manyh of those no doubt.

But if you do know something about the situation, if you've listened to the doctors who know that Ivermewctin both prevents and cures COVID, then this statement should give you the chills. Does me. Same as the way they kept silencing the true experts who knew that Hydroxychloroquine works. If you don't know you're being lied to, if you don't know the truth is being suppressed, if you don't know the evidence that some repurposed drugs that are known to be completely safe work wonders with COVID, then you'll go on in your bubble. But If you know these things then you know there are powers out there who are promoting murder, and it's hard to think it's unintentional. We're past the point where the bad science is an excuse, the evidence for the efficacy of these drugs is out there.

So Ivermectin is not authortized and all those who are using it as protecting against COVID instead of getting vaccinated are going to be treated as public enemies, right? Already are so treated as far as the manipulation of public opinion goes.

The horror show we are living through has many tentacles, not just the pandemic horrors. I pray a lot. I also cry a lot these days. Makes my eyes worse. If I'm going to be around a while longer I'd like to have something effective to do about it. But it feels like evil is coming at us with iron gloves and there's really little anyone can do. God is allowing the evil to have its day. The Tribualtion must be right around the corner. Must be. How much longer can this go on? And if the Tribulation is right around the corner and the popular eschatology is right (I have some doubts but I hope I'm wrong) then I'll get to escape it all. I ache for those who will have to be here during it.

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