Saturday, July 17, 2021

Trying Not to Get Bulldozed by the Left

ABC News just reported that the Biden administration has been rolling back all the Trump policies on the border "because they are inhumane." They've said that before but this time I started crying and couldn't stop, crying and screaming. If the neighbors heard they don't care anyway. I needed to cry and scream. Too much as been coming at me from the insane Left, I couldn't take any more. They are letting in people some of whom are no doubt drug runners, human traffickers, rapists and murderers and other criminals. And that is what they consider to be humane. Same with letting BLM and Antifa destroy the businesses of law-abiding citizens without consequences. Same with letting criminals out of prison to repeat their crimes againt law-abiding citizens.

Same also with threatening to take away the guns of law-abiding citizens so they can't project themselve sagainst the criminals, the looters and burners. I think it was Chris Pinto who reported on a recent radio show that they actually did take away guns from some law-abiding citizens in New Orleans after Katrina. He played some audio of people protesting that they were law-abiding citiziens wnd this action against them was wrong, that they were now being left with no protection against the looters. This is "humane" according to the Left. Not that I think most of them even believe that themselves, it's just an excuse to take power away from the people. Unbelievable though that they actually did it and got away with it, in New Orleans. Even this degree of evil and denial of Constitutional rights is not beneath them.

Also earlier today -- oh way too much happening, no wonder I ended up screaming -- was listening to an inteview of New York art critic Jerry Saltz who doesn't try to contain his political views. I've been listening to some current art critics because I want to do a post about art from my admittedly inadequately educated understanding, and I don't want to come off TOO stupid, since I think I have something of value to say within my own limited experience. All the art critics I've heard, three now I think, are leftists who want to let you know they are leftists and in fact the doctrines of the left appear to permeate the whole world of contemporary art criticism, and in fact the art itself in many cases.

Did you know, for instance, that there was an exhibition of photographs of clouds the import of which was supposed to be that they were taken in Ferguson during the riots by Black Lives Matter? To his credit, Saltz, who reported this also objected strenuously to it, saying, No, those are photographs of CLOUDS. Nevertheless we can see that in 2018 in the New York City art world the lies of BLM continue uncorrected.

Then the interviewer read part of an article about a blunder this critic had made in extolling a work of art that some considered to be feeding a taste for pedophilia or something like that. He said that connotation had escaped his notice because he was responding to it purely as art, but that he now agrees that he was in the wrong. Anyway, it's 2018 and this article starts out with this: "In a time when American politics is being profaned by the purely personal whims of one white man the celebration of another doing the same in the arts raises some red flags for me." I'm glad a leftist gets some of the same treatment we on the right get, but of course what bugs me about this quote is the stab at Trump. They are obsessed with Trump. Oh and his race must be central. In fact in one way or another all the videos I listened to about a current art critic made race central. Marxist CRT is running the show on the Left wherever you look these days. Saltz apologizes for being white from time to time.

This starts about 38:28 at

In another case the political statement came from the woman who interoduced the critic, who was going to interview Luchita Hurtado, a 97-year old woman artist oridinally from Venezuela. She introduced the artist as one of those immigrants who made America great" and got applause from her leftist audience who of course recognized it as a slam against Trump who as usual is being slandered as objecting to immigrants, which of course is nothing but the usual lying propaganda. Does the woman have eve a smidgen of a suspiciou of that? She seems sincere, so I asume she really believes the lie.

Yesterday I was upset about the craziness coming out of the Biden administration about how there is all this supposed "misinformation" about the vaccines that people are believing that they feel this need to censor. Not answer, which is the American way of dealing with wrong ideas, no, they must censor it, which is the totalitarian fascist Communist way of dealing with what they disagree with. I was inwardly screaming at that, since I know that those who are suspicious of the vaccines are basing it on the scientific considerations of people who know what they are talking about. Doctors with impeccable credentials for instance. IMPECCABLE. But even if they weren't so highly qualified to speak on the subject, it is anti-American to shut people up for their sincere opinions. Wrong opinions are to be answered. They have no answsers, all they have is their propaganda: vaccines good, if you don't agree you deserve to be shut up and subjected to all kinds of mistreatment, as a Biden spokesman said so very clearly recently She actually said they have to make it as uncomfortable as possible for those who reject vaccination. But that's OK with liberals, right? No more civil discourse in America. The Left is right about everything and that is that.

So I didn't start screaming until the last straw hit this afternoon with that ABC news report about how the Biden administration is rolling back all the Trump policies about the border because they are "inhumane."

They are still attacking the man. And by extension all those of us who voted for him. And everything they have against him is a lie. He did not say white supremacists are good people, he denounced them a dozen times at least, he did not mock a man for his physical hanidcap, had mocked dozens of others in exactly the same way, he is not against immigration at all, only against illegal immigration, he is not a racist etc etc etc. But those lies and all the rest of them are apparently believes by those on the left. I have my own problems with Trump. I think his Operation Warp Speed was dangerous, pushing an untested vaccine on us that has already casues thousands of deaths and various injuries, and i don't understand why he couldn't do something to stop the rioting that hs abeen going on for months in major cities. He was the Presdient, the President has that kind of power. How do we explain that it wasn't used?

Added next day: If I'm going to be making a list of current evils I don't want to leave out their accusation of supporters of voter ID and other measures to protect the integrity of elections, calling them racists who want to reinstate Jim Crow. This ought to set us all screaming. When you have no argument and your aim is to run the show, just call your opponents by some hateful name. Call their opinion "misinformation," call them racists and white sepremacists and so on. This is the essence of totalitarianism. You rule by character assassination, by lies, by censorship and ultimately by force. You take away their guns so they can't do what the second amendment was for: defend themselves against the government as well as violence from any direction.

And of course it's "misinformation," which seems to be the crime du jour of the Right, if you noticed the documented instances of fraud in the 2020 election. Off to the concentration camp for you.

And of course they keep harping on the January 6th "insurrection which from what I've seen is the most pathetic excuse for an insurrection in human history. One baseball bat, one knife found in the possession of two people in the building? One person might have had, or had access to, a gun, funny how that's not clear. None of these weapons was used. But they go on and on about this worst incident in the history of the country? Meanwhile rioting continued for months and months and months in Portland and other cities, looting, burning and destroying property, but that's not an insurrenction and nobody has been punished for it. Except the cops.

Do liberals REALLY want this to happen to the country? Really?

There are so many evils looming on the horizon these days it is hard to justify doing anything but trying to prevent them. I need a break from it all from time to time so I've been thinking about art as a relief from it. Sometimes I go on music binges as my relief. sometimes I binge on animal videos, sometimes I watch a movie, but perhaps we can't aford to take breaks in this current time.

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