Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Pope Francis Discussed on Understanding the Times Radio Show

Although I have a problem with parts of the Pre-Trib Pre-Millennial eschatology, I agree with most of it, and they usually do a good job on the Roman Church in general too, such as in this program on Pope Francis on Jan Markell's Understanding the Times radio show:

The Pope is not considered by them to be the Antichrist, as the Reformers thought, but probably the False Prophet, which is represente by the other beast in Revelation 13, the one with the two horns of a lamb.

This is a poissibility and there are reasons to prefer it to the Antichrist interpretation, except, in myh opinion, for the fact that the Pope has quite a collection of credentials for the role of Antichrist. For instance,666 is the number of the Antichrist, not the False Prophet, the very title "Vicar of Christ" is synonymous with "Antichrist," usurping His role; the Pope was identified as the Anticrhrist by many down the centuries, eventually including the Protestant Reformers; the Popes presided over the Holy Roman Empire. What makes it Roman at all, in fact, is that the Pope is the Bishop of Rome and regarded that poition as head of the new Roman Empire. The Popes continue to seek the international spotlight. The Jesuits work tirelessly to return the papacy to world power. The Roman Church can be shown to be the heir of the pagan religion of Babylon, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth, and no doubt more. Since all the false religions derive from Babylon so did the religion of Dagon mentioned in the Bible, and according to Hislop the priests of Dagon wore tje fishhead-shaped headgear that is now worn by Roman Catholic Bishops. (Otherwise it's hard to explain that odd thing isn't it?)

And this current Pope, Francis, was elected to the role under some auspicious circumstances, such as the time and date of 3/13/13 at 7:06 PM which can be written 6:66. A seagull sat on the chimney where the smoke annnounces a new Pope, the seagull being an unclean bird, that in some superstitions is considered to be a messenger of changing times. There was also the strange event some time afterward when he released two doves from the window of the basilica that were immediately attacked by a raven and a seagull and nearly killed, interesting symbolism again since the doves are biblicall clean birds and the raven and seagull are unclean.

The radio show is good on this Pope and on the Roman Church in general, however, although I always want to add my own different viewpoint as above.

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